How can i build up seo career?

you can make career as SEO by working as freelancer SEO or bu doing job in seo companies

Read Tutorials on web to learn SEO.
Then work as a freelancer or do a regular job at any SEO company.

commented: Parrot of post above. -3

SEO Carrer??? You want to learn how to do SEO am I right? For me enrolling, reading and watching video tutorials helps a lot. But if you are really eager to have a knowledge about it, go to some SEO Company and apply. They'll teach you the basics there.

first you must aware of that seo and if you get into the seo its very interesting to do the work at the same time you earn lot as per the positions in which you stand in which company

commented: This is absolute giberrish. -3

hi first of all you should have full info about seo. Do you have all techniques and skills that are used in seo?
if you have then you can join any seo company or start your own work as a freelancer.if you dnt have those skill then you should learn seo first. either you can learn from google using tutorial or using blogs and websites. or u can go to some company who can teach you seo.only then you can make your career in seo.

SEO is very broad field and there are lot of opportunities in SEO field to make best career. If one has fully knowledge about SEO then he/she can represent own business effectively on web.

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