After months of work, I am on page 1 of Googe for both my keywords.

HOWEVER, I am on Page 5 of Bing for one, and page 3 for the other. This has gone down from Page 4 and Page 2.

Obviously, I am doing SOMETHING right, or I would not be on Page 1 of Google.

So what am I doing wrong for Bing?

Here are my stats:

Yahoo backlinks: 85
Google backlinks: 2
Alexa 5-day moving average: about 1.7M, up from 8M on 29 Jun 11

My site is in my signature.

Any suggestions?



Mostly i check my ranking in Google, i have no idea about Bing ranking.

Google and Bing are to entirely different search engines. Most people worry most about Google as that gets much more traffic. Keep link building and you will also get page 1 for Bing.

After months of work, I am on page 1 of Googe for both my keywords.

HOWEVER, I am on Page 5 of Bing for one, and page 3 for the other. This has gone down from Page 4 and Page 2.

Obviously, I am doing SOMETHING right, or I would not be on Page 1 of Google.

So what am I doing wrong for Bing?

Here are my stats:

Yahoo backlinks: 85
Google backlinks: 2
Alexa 5-day moving average: about 1.7M, up from 8M on 29 Jun 11

My site is in my signature.

Any suggestions?



Google and Bing are two different search engines, They both have different search algorithm,On Bing Onpage seo is also a big factor whereas google doesn't give too much importance to onpage SEO in search algorithm

Different approaches to indexing such as images, and especially social (as Bing integrates Facebook sharing data in its index due to their agreement/deal) can effect many rankings in search. The same approach will not work to the same degree with both engines.

Hi Tom:

Thanks for letting me know about Facebook.

Are there any other techniques I could try to help build my Bing rankings WITHOUT affecting my Google rankings?

Can you install bing webmaster code on your site?

Bing generally gives importance to page content and onsite optimization. Also the age of your site matters in Bing.

Hi All:

Transcribe, the age of my site is 7 years. When I ran a few tests on my site, I came up with a grade of 85. Since I use GoDaddy, I can't do a lot of the tweaks recommended by the Hubspot tool; I don't have access to the HTML code (it is a template site).

LogoOnlinePros, I do have my site registered with Bing, and have verified the site. Is there any other Bing code I need to be aware of?

Thanks, guys.


google have different algorithms than bing so first understand whats different in bing then apply the strategy compatible to bing.

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