
I have a website something like 2.5 years and just now i want to do seo.
The page rank is PR-1 on google engine.

Can you help me how can i improve this low PR...?

Backlink from high Pr and related websites and drive more traffic.

Improving page rank is a gradual process. You will have to have patience. It's a step by step process which forst starts with performing the normal SEO procedures on your web pages. Once the the normal SEO procedures are performed effectively, then start gathering back links to your website. That can be done effectively by posting in forums, writing articles, having blogs, etc. It takes some time for the results to show on the web but whatsoever it's an effective process. You can also take help of SEO companies if you want it to develop it for business purposes.

you need to authority link if you want good PR in short time period. if you get Edu , gov high pr authority link it's plus point in your favor for getting high PR.

To improve your page rank submit your site in dofollow high pr sites and also do article submission. Article submission helps lot in getting quality backlinks, just use good quality and original content in your article.

To improve your page rank submit your site in dofollow high pr sites and also do article submission. Article submission helps lot in getting quality backlinks, just use good quality and original content in your article.

True but now a days we need to be more careful in article submission cos of Panda updates.

Do you want to increase your pagerank because you want to advertise your site?
Or do you want to get a better search ranking?

These are 2 different things ...
If we are talking about the second thing, FORGET about Pagerank. Think about other things. There are a lot of threads in this forum about how to optimize your search ranking.

Good luck

add a quality content and create quality back links it will help in gaining high PR.

The only real reason you'd need to improve your PR is if you want to sell your site, as a higher PR does add value to it. Other than that, most of us are more concerned about getting our sites on or near the first page of Google and the other major search engines, which is a major undertaking and involves a lot more than just backlinks, although they do help as part of a well-rounded SEO campaign.

What kind of website is yours ? Is it static or Dynamic ? If it is static, you can start some blog works as other DW members mentioned. If it is blog then all you need to do is prepare unique content for the posts. Slowly you will get page rank.

You need to get back link from high PR sites. submit your website in high PR directory, social bookmarking and article sites.

Do link building activities, build quality backlinks, high pagerank and theme related backlinks for increase pagerank of your site.

I think you should concentrate to get good PR backlinks then i hope you will get good PR for your site.

Backlinking is the only way of improving the page rank and backlinking can be done by article submissions, blogging, social bookmarking, etc.

Your site has 1 PR it means you have no more backlinks. So first of all you should to get relevant backlinks because PR depend on backlinks. So you have to need to get good relevant backlinks and that backlinks you can get from forum posting and blog commenting because both are way for relevant backlinks.

Firstly add good content in your website then start daily on page and off page work for your website. Both off page and on page plays very important role in improving the page-rank.....

By building back links. This is the only good way of increasing PR.

To get high pagerank you need to get a lot of quality backlinks from high pr sites.
Its not easy to get many backlinks. You may try blog commenting, or try to buy some text links from high pr sites.

Try to bring contextual links.It is very beneficial for page rank improvement.Also,Check your web content and update it regularly.

for that you have to perform link sharing.

Get quality backlinks by submitting your website in high pr do follow site.


I have a website something like 2.5 years and just now i want to do seo.
The page rank is PR-1 on google engine.

Can you help me how can i improve this low PR...?

Update your site on regular time with fresh content and get quality backlinks for your website which helps you to increase PR of your website.

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