I read on a blog that Yahoo and Bing will be combining forces against Google and it will be announced sometime this week. From a SEO and PPC perspective, I wonder what changes and challenges this union can present to internet marketers. What do you think?

Till now didn't heard anything like that. I doubt whether BING and yahoo will combine forces.

Can you provide the source from where you got the information.

I am heard about it ..basically microsoft and yahoo both are going for an agreement according to that paid result services for both search engine will be combined ...

"it is something like that you are able to select certain keywords for the PPC for both search engines simultaneously." This is my personal view... But did not heard anything regarding organic search results

i think it will remain a rumor. but if that will happen i think google will have a solution for that.

YPN should first open for global market.

there has been this rumour a year or two ago that MSN and Yahoo were going to merge. now you are saying they are planning to combine their forces. many webmasters would applaud them as it would save them some time spent on optimisation work as two would become one and they could pose a serious challange to google.

This is either really good for me, or really bad for me. Yahoo finds and recognizes a lot of my backlinks, but MSN doesn't recognize any. hmmmmm.....

Whatever they do, They better invent a new algorithm which is capable of giving more relevant SERPs. Unless and until that happens, Nothing can defeat Google in the search engines' field.

what i heard is another version of the story --microsoft and yahoo gonna have a big deal as the search engine field
yahoo gonna step back and it gonna be a flight b/w goole and bing

I not heard any thing about it as on date

It's no longer a rumor. Here's the article.

So now it is official. I wonder if Google will team up with a smaller search engine or even a semantic one and fight against Bing/Yahoo. Who knows, time will tell..

I for one applaud the new deal. I also see it as a good move for both Yahoo and MSN. Over the last few weeks Bing has been providing lots more traffic than Yahoo for all the sites I monitor. It's a great search engine. It will level the playing field out there a bit.

Yes guys, also need to crack fundas of promoting website in BING as becoming famous gradually.

Can any one throw lights on same (promotion at BING).

lottts discussion abt it
and i am kinda of eager to see how G will pespond
any news abt that?

Google captured more than 70% of the Internet market and it is very difficult to challenge it.

1+1 not always >1
i guess
ya got me?

Go Bill! I knew you could pull it off.

This ten year search merger is a good thing for all humans, except the Adsense swindlers of course.

They should try to invent a new algorithm which is capable of giving more relevant results.
Basically Microsoft and yahoo both are going for an agreement according to that paid result services for both search engine will be combined.

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I read on a blog that Yahoo and Bing will be combining forces against Google and it will be announced sometime this week. From a SEO and PPC perspective, I wonder what changes and challenges this union can present to internet marketers. What do you think?

With the current stats that Bing and Yahoo right now has. I don't think they can beat Google that easily. Google's scope is way too big than Bing and Yahoo combined.

No significant change happen since then.

Can they beat Google?

Can they beat Google?

can't see the possibility in the near futhure.

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