I heard this name first time in my SEO career. What is it exactly? How it is done and why to do it?

It's an SEO strategy used to promote multiple websites at once. (Group-level SEO)

I also heard for the first time, you have given us clear idea about Macro SEO. It was informative. Whether it is possible for us to promote multiple websites at once.

I am understanding it.What is the group-level-SEO. How they work.

It's an SEO strategy used to promote multiple websites at once. (Group-level SEO)

Sorry but I don't think that there is a way to promote multiple websites at once. You can promote multiple website but not more than one at the same time. You may submit more than one domain to web directories but only one after another, but NOT ONCE at all.


I heard it first time as well. To my knowledge Macro seo is just another wordpress site

Macro SEO means optimizing your site with minimum words.

Macro SEO means optimizing your site with minimum words. like twitter is also macro blogging.

According to me Macro SEO is strategy used in search engine optimization to promote or optimize many websites at one time. Many website or keywords can be optimized at a single time using this approach.

Right definition.it is way to promote multiple website at once.

Micro seo is new for me, so please if you have information about this subject. Please share.

I think we can promote multiple websites in once.. but each website must have different keywords. If all website contain same keywords then buildings links for those websites means that you are creating a competitor for yourself only..

It's an SEO strategy used to promote multiple websites at once. (Group-level SEO)

Macro SEO means optimizing your site with minimum words.

Now we have two different answers, but from these I am confused that which on is right? or both are correct.

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