I’m working for my client’s website whose business is mainly based in India, and they suggest some keywords for me to start SEO.
The keywords are like this

Mobile show room
Mobile shop

But the problem is they want their website ranking for the keywords based on the city name
For example whenever user search for the keywords

Mobile show room Bangalore
Mobile show room Delhi
Mobile show room Chennai

They want their website on the top of the search list.
They want to add nearly 25 cities, but the agreement is only for 20 keywords
I suggest them to create separate pages or a sub domain for each city to target particular keywords, but they did not accept it.
So tell me what kind of suggestions I shall give that to my client.

I can only sympathize - clients of such kind are always a disaster.
I'd say it's hardly possible to give 25 city names in 20 quality keywords - for the customers do not look for some place in several cities at a time, at least not often.

I believe your proposed solution to have different pages are the right solution to increase the seo keyword for the intended city name. Perhaps, you may implement the index.php with the ip detection solution of the visitor (from which city, region) and re-direct them according to the right page. In this case, you client may see no different of having multiple pages implementation. Below are some links fyi.


I thing you have to suggest your client to make a page which contains inlink to that portion of the site contains information about that particular and try to convince your client on 25 words for 25 cities.
Your condition is really poor but SEO have to face such problems while working.

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