hi i am new seo i don't know what are the difference between press release and article submission what are the features of both techniques.

Press release is used when we launch any product and service in our business to tell media that we are offering something new which is recently added in our business.On other hand side article submission is used for new and old product/service as well.

Yes, Press release is for giving information about the new launch product or services. Articles can e written general also.

commented: yawn. pointless repeating of previous comments juts to promote sig links -3

Press release should be written by third party about your business. Article can be written by yourself but not permitted to write about your business.

Press releases (News): Main purpose apparently announcing something to the wold via news media (Internet or some other). Following common elements in Press release Headline, Introduction and News body.

Article : It kind of giving some explanation, describe something that the speaker has already mentioned, giving details or definition about products or something.

when your company lunch any new product or gave promotion any product and you announcing about this in the world wide via internet is called press release.In article you can publish any thing.

Press Release is used when we have some new product or service launched. This is just make the people aware that you also offer these products and services. Article is used for any of your product, old or new.

Press release is you can say news about some products or services your company launch recently and Article is about the product or services benefits and information.

Press release in seo is same like any press release in we are giving information about the party or product or for some important news we share so like that we are ding press release in seo we are giving information about the product or services that we have newly introduced so and article is whole which is describing about company or product

Press release is usually written about your company, your innovation, latest news by third person. Article can be written by yourself but have no right about you or your business.

Press Release is written by third person for publishing or announcing the news or story to the media. In article, you can write by yourself regarding the topic.

In Article usually people describes the entire concept of a subject in which they includes personal thoughts also.While in press release is just a accurate description of your subject

CLOSED - I think there have been quite enough obvious explanations added to this sig spam fest of a thread.

Press release is used when a company introduces new product or services in the market or when something great is achieved by the company.

Article is used to describe the products or services offered by the company

Press Releases - Its all about the news related to company's services, products and news.

Article - Its all about the general description related to company's services & Products.

"Press release is for giving information about the new launch product or services. Articles can e written general also."all detail about of new project..

Article means a post with the general information & press release means a post with your company's information such as introduction of your company's new achievements, introduction of the new product or services etc..

There is wide differance between these two , press realsie is event news and articel is detail info on any topic

hmm really impressive information. thanks for sharing it

Press release is used when we launch any product and service in our business to tell media that we are offering something new which is recently added in our business.On other hand article submission is used for new and old product/service as well.


Press Release is uese to describe any new product of any company and article is use for both new as well as old

Is there any difference between the lenght and words of article and press release?

Article is about any informative topics and posted with article directories
Press Releases are the news or updates with company.


commented: please, no advertising in your posts - read the rules -2

An article is not used in the same way as the other type of advertising. The article is more of a written work that discusses an area you have expertise in and is interesting and informative to the reader. This, like any other thing about a business, should link people to your website and help create traffic there.

Press Release provides the details of your Products, where articles is your sole info other than business......

There are many difference between press release and article article take link with author Box and press release take link in body.

Press Releasaes - News related to Products, Services and Events of Company.
Article - General description about your product and services of company.

As far as I know press release is a term we used when we post some current update of our company, on the other hand article we write to define something briefly.

Press Release is a process of publishing their special events, new features of the company that offers other sites or another company.

Article submission is a process of promotional services or products through writing an quality article that are relevant to the site.


Similarity is that both involve writing.But the huge difference is that press release must be written as you are talking about your own business.It's like news.But articles can be written with different topics.In articles you won't only explain your business profile but also it's product and services.

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