I was build backlinks in high page rank sites but why not my site increase pr value?

To increase pr it is not so simple matter you have to put your all EFFORTS THERE

may be you have lake of back links, which google love.

Please ensure it that those links are from dofollow pages, otherwise they will not be counted.

There is no way to know what your site's Pagerank is. The Google PR toolbar is obsolete and Google doesn't disclose what their Pagerank algorithm really is. We know that backlinks contribute to Pagerank, but we don't know the details. Therefore, you have no way of really knowing if your site is increasing or decreasing in PR value.

Remember, PageRank is just one factor in Google's ranking algorithm.

you'll have to wait to the next page rank update to see your pr increase!

In order to gain pr, then there are many factors for the same such as your web site should be search engine and user friendly.Apart from this your web site should have quality, relevance, and high pr do follow back links.

Good Luck..

Try to get backlink from high PR websites on your related niche.. It will help you to get PR faster,.,,!

Google updates the page rank to all the websites over the web only once in 2-3 months, wait for the next update and build some backlinks, also add a google +1 button in your website because PR is now also dependent on how much +1's your website have.

Build back links which should have atleast PR 2 and Optimize your content as per search algorithm.

Choosing correct keywords with unique content also is important.You can check it .

Google does not update its pr daily. If you are building good quality of links. Then wait for some time you will definitely get the required results.

Hope this helps.

It is all about you orginal contant and also linkbuilding , as the traffic will leave good impression on you site for enhanced the PR

Maybe it requires more quality backlinks for your website. so try to collect more high pr niche backlinks for your website

PR not only depends on number of backlinks but also on quality of the backlinks, quality of the website, bounce rate, etc...

to get good pr, you have to collect quality backlinks for your website

not a big deal, its good that you linked high high pr sites but check are you links cached by search engine or not ?

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