PPC stands for "pay per click". Pay per Click is an advertising model where businesses pay an agreed upon amount, each time their advertisement is "clicked", not each time their ad is displayed.

The Benefits of PAY PER CLICK:-

1. Small initial investment
2. Realistic for all businesses, regardless of size
3. Immediate results
4. Real-time tracking
5. Targeted traffic
6. Branding

This is the method of puting your keyword and site insearch engine to pay for it , pay per click police is used there

PPC is the best way to promote your website.. the Advertisement which flashes on the web pages Are PPC adds....

ppc can bring traffic and you can get income from it by your ppc advertises

ppc can be increased after you do SEO

PPC advertising allows you to specify how much you want to spend on any given day or month. Increase local visibility. National exposure. PPC ads can easily be tracked throught the PPC interface that the search engines give you.

PPC is a very useful and easy way to position your website on top positions in search engine results and just in a matter of minutes. As it is paid advertisement so you need to be very carefull in Campaign designing.
The best way to make it porfitable is:
1. Long tail Keywords
2. Geographic Targeting
3. Demographic Targeting
4. Budget Limitation
5. Time Scheduling

Pay per Click is an advertising model where businesses pay an amount when each time their advertisement is "clicked". Each click can be anywhere from 1 pence to several pounds in cost depending on many factors. PPC bring a huge traffic to your website with in a short period of time.

Thanks For Providing The Information on PPC...!!

hmm yeah PPC is the reasonable way to promote your site....

It may be called as the replacment of SEO ,

I think Pay Per Click is perfect method to grab genuine traffic in very short period of time. I don't think any alternate for PPC is available.

Nice post on PPC! :)


Nice post bro :)

I don't think ppc is a legal way to promote your site

PPC means for Pay Per click select. It is an promotion system operates by Google where webmaster has to pay a amount to Google on each click.

keyword search is improtant element of Pcc...so miss it...

It is basically you are trying to bring the targeted traffic by showing your web through advertising and bringing the visitor pay per click means pay per vistior.....

Pay per click (PPC) (also called cost per click) is an Internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, where advertisers pay the publisher (typically a website owner) when the ad is clicked. With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. Content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system. PPC "display" advertisements are shown on web sites or search engine results with related content that have agreed to show ads. This approach differs from the "pay per impression" methods used in television and newspaper advertising.

yeah rightly said.... Pay per Click is an advertising model where businesses pay an agreed upon amount, each time their advertisement is "clicked", not each time their ad is displayed.

commented: One sig spam account isn't enough? -3

If you have good money to invest then you can go for PPC, I would say otherwise you can do SEO and get visitors from search engines.

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