Hi friends,
We all know that Pay Per Click Campaign is an effective way to gather traffic and improve the Search Engine Ranking of any Website. It follow some tips for effecient implementation.
Identify your Product or Service
Keywords, Negative Words and PPC
Construct your PPC Campaign
Creating landing Pages
Identifying Effective Ads
Utilize Google Analytics
Revise and optimize your PPC

yup PPC is the most effective way to get traffic.... To get more n more traffic create effective and attractive Campaign, inside it create relevant Ad Group. 


Hi Techbuddy,
thanks for your reply

Guys...do have have experience using PPC ? If so.. you will never talk like that. If only your website is an ecommerce websites, there is a reason to run a campaign. If not its of no use. You will have to pay google for people just to visit your website. No one knows how google manipulate the money for keywords..Googles income on PPC is reduced a lot and so many enlighten and backed off from PPC.

Now a days such type of analysis are under considration that PPC is going all in vain , SEO is more effective method then PPC because PPC can not generate the so much traffic as compared to SEO

This is the itself big source of traffic for your site ,

Though PPC is important and can be effective for some sites, SEO and Google Page Rank carry much more weight nowadays due to search engine algorithm updates in recent months.

Hello Pati, Thanks for reply and sharing such a information with us.

Hi Analyze, thanks to appreciate my post. Have a nice day.

Hi Duke, I am agree with you that SEO is a effective way to generate more traffic for your website. But PPC can also important for generate traffic.

Hi StartThinkAlone, you are definitely right. Combined efforts of SEO and PPC can be great for website traffic if done correctly. The key is to focus on quality content and organic SEO building to generate organic traffic and entice the right page visitors.

i agree PCC is most effective way to get relevant tarffic...pcc also gives you good conversion rate...which is up to 5%

Yes PPC is one of the best way to Attract more relavant client or visitor to your site

its the best way for the instant traffic for the new website................

PPC works good if you have good money to invest, test the product and invest into that product, I would say.

How PPC improves your ranking in search engines?

PPC is really a wonderful way to create traffic.

PPC is a great way to generate the leads as well as traffic. But, its requires huge amount of traffic. In PPC, strategies are important. Please, share your strategies, if you are getting a relevant leads and traffic.

The ppc options are the most profitable ways to make money

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