Hi friends,

Here i want to know about what is page rank in SEO.


Page ranking is rank in google your webpage.

It is one way of recoginzing the page given in the terms of numerical value given by the Google Engine.

page rank defines your popularity in a search engine, the higher your rank more people will go to your website.
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page rank is the standard rank given to a site by google..
only few sites are given page rank..
and its not easy to get a page rank.
like facebook has a pr of 9 twitter of 8 and so on..
for getting a page rank generate organic traffic and backlinks..
happy blogging..!!

Page rank is decided by Google to see your qualityand backlinks of your site.

So much misinformation regarding Google PageRank has permeated Internet marketing forums that it is no wonder newbies are confused. First of all, PageRank is attributed to web pages, not web sites. Secondly, Google PR has little if not absolutely nothing to do with how well a web page ranks in the search engine results pages. Indeed Google PageRank was originally awarded according to the number and quality of backlinks pointing to a web page but in the modern world, it is so inaccurate a measuring stick because of the socially accepted standard that link manipulation is part of search engine optimization. Just so that it is clear, PageRank technology was once a useful measuring stick as to what may be important web pages but after about a month in use it became completely exploited. Why Google keeps this dinosaur ongoing is simply to keep confusing you that it means something of value. Remember that the corporation's riches are made almost exclusively because hyperlinks so why would any corporation do away with such a lucrative illusion.


Page ranking is a rakking by google search engine.

Page Rank means what rank your site on google, it is dependent on quality of backlinks to your site. I have baby shop online is there any free tool that show exacts ranking as manual ranking.

Page rank is the page popularity on search engine it's a parameater of google.


Page ranking is rank given by search engine.

it is the quality score of your webpage......

yeah absolutely right.........

Its a page rank given search engine.

Page rank show the quality of your webpages, its besed on link quality of your webpages.

PageRank is what Google uses to determine the importance of a web page. It's one of many factors used to determine which pages appear in search results.

i really likes your idea thank u

It's google tools that calcute that how many valable of your site in the search engine eyes.

Quality...........of your page..........PR

Page rank is very important in SEO and you have to increase page rank for higher visibility in search engines.

Page Rank it's a neumerical value given by Google your web page on the bases of you
site structure, backlinks etc.

page rank is updated through a Page rank formula, that I dont know, but whenever Google algorithm, update every month then you get rank.

Page Rank is tool to for checking ranking of webpages in search engine.

PageRank is a link analysis algorithm applied by Google that allots a number or rank to all hyperlinked web pages inside the World Wide Web.

page rank relate to the reputation of web site.

The high the page rank of a website is, the more the popular it is.

It is just a numerical value given by the Google.

High PR will get more traffic from search engine

Check this link, it answered your question.

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