With All due respect to many genius people on this fourm, I am not here to promote my website and I am member of DaniWeb from more than 5 years. Here is my problem
I have a website www vfinds com . I am trying hard from last two years like daily I visit fourms and post about my website but so far no luck to get my website higher in google search result. Please help me and teach me what should i do to increase PR of website.

Daily unique visits to my site is around only 50. I am almost loosing my hope. Please help and guide me with some inputs so that i will work in that direction.

Having your focus on increasing your Google PageRank (PR) will not increase your rankings in the search engine results. As a matter of fact, dumping your web site's link all over forums is a very weak form of optimization. It may appear to work somewhat for a short time but it certainly won't sustain top rankings for keyphrases that are worth competiting for. In order to acquire higher rankings in the search engine results pages you'll have to produce web pages that are merit being highly ranked. In other words, concentrate of deploying optimized content on optimized pages rather than attempting to manipulate off-site ranking factors. Build stuff for the internet visitor to devour and pay as little attention to search engines as you can. I know it sounds ironic but the less you consider the search engine requirements the more they will appreciate your contribution to the Internet and so will your visitors. High quality, unique content is instrumental to long term, sustainable search engine success.

Ways to promote your site.

  1. Use the target keywords in meta, alt tags.
  2. Submit your sitemap into search engine webmasters.
  3. Generate one way links.
  4. Submit your site into some social bookmarking sites.

Good Luck.

Share backlinks to your site by using social media sites and submit to directories like dmoz and technocrati.

Thanks for providing me suggestions, here is what I have to say.


From last two year, I have only concentrated on building , deploying and optimizing the site to best of my knowledge. I will keep on optimizing it in future as well. Lets C if my luck prevails.

@skajava -

Use the target keywords in meta, alt tags.
[Me]- I have used the correct keywords in my website which has great importance to the content I have on website. Also I have researched the meta keywords and meta description of my competitors and used accordingly and having good relevance to my site.

Submit your sitemap into search engine webmasters.
[Me]- I have submitted my website to all major Search webmaster and keep checking daily

Generate one way links.
[Me] – I am already doing this from last 2 years

Submit your site into some social bookmarking sites.
[Me] – I am already doing this from last 2 years

Please look into below example where I found myself sad when I won’t found my site higher in search results.

Search Engine :- Google
Query term 1 with double quotes - "Post ad for free, Free classifieds in India for Buy and Sell"

Search Result :- I got first ranking in the result.


Search Engine :- Google
Query term 2 without double quotes - Post ad for free, Free classifieds in India for Buy and Sell

Search Result :- My site is nowhere in the result.

I understand when I am giving title of my webpage as a query term with double quotes, Google is giving preference to phrase search and my site is coming higher in the result. But when same query is given in without double quotes, Others sites with higher page rank are coming up in the result.

Currently my page rank is 0 and really I am dying to get at least 2 or 3 page rank. So that my site will keep running. Please help.

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