Hello everyone...
I am working on a project. And want to know that what type of link building I have to perform while the starting of the projects. And what type of link building to maintain it on rank.
I am not getting a proper answer for this.
please help me!

Considering current change of Google algorithm you should utilize specific link building tequniques which can give you relevant and natural links. Make use of Blog Comments, Forums Reply, Social Bookmarking, and Article Submission.

Forums, directory and bookmarking are good in intial stage to improve keyword in the serp.

First you start one way link building. If you have product based website first you start Social networking for your brand promotion.

You're not getting a proper answer because there is no proper answer. It's completely different for every individual website in every individual niche. The only correct answer to how many backlinks to aim for is: as many backlinks as you possibly can get, working on it as much as you're able to devote time to. Work on social media backlinks, backlinks within content, creating link bait that gets naturally linked to, and viral-style backlinks. Buying links in sidebars and footers is a big no-no. Focus on backlinks that have the opportunity to go viral.

There are so many more valuable things you can be doing with your life rather than wasting it copy/pasting your junk.

For any project, many people prefer the link building tactics in that mainly they used Top Directories like DMoz, Yahoo and other Directory Submissions, Social Bookmarking Submissions and Local Business Listing site submissions like YellowPages, Merchant Circle, Yelp services etc..

work on Forum posting, blog commenting and article submission with fresh and unique content.

Well after the update of google we need to be careful in link building the safe way of linking you can do blog postings.

Follow for start-up link building process i.e.

  • Local Business Listing(Yelp, YellowPages, Yahoo Business Listing)
  • Directory Submissions
  • Social Bookmarking

I can go with Social Bookmarking, Local Business Listing and Directory Submissions

Its depend upon your targeted business...Because its all different for each and every busienss..

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