Does anyone know how to get my website in the top 10 spot for free? Thank you!

Add high quality unique content and promote your site normally. If your content is good eventually it will happen.

Otherwise there is no magic answer. It won't happen quickly and there is no special things you can do other then to make your site worth linking to.

Now watch all the newbies write about how you should use social networking, press releases, directory submissions, and article submissions....

It is hard to get on top 10 on google. You should have at least Pagerank 5-7 to get your site listed on top 10 on google. Try get alot of backlinks with keywords and see the results.

Not true. There a re tons of sites will PR lower then that ranked #1 for competitive terms. PR is not the most powerful factor at Google. Their algorithm is very complex.

I agree w/stymiee many, many sites rank in the top 10 with lower than 5 PR. Its true you need to concentrate on the major organic search engine optimization OSEO techniques but don't overlook lesser trafficked and less competitive KW's. This will get your foot in the door with some page 1 & 2 rankings and some potentially decent traffic.

I agree with the last post. There are few on web terms that are Pr 9 and 10 websites. So dont forget about the smaller sites. While page rank is gotten by links to your sites pr is not the most important thing. Remember to have lots of useful relevant content on your site and that your keywords are set right. I recently found out that yahoo often lists sites by keyword density meaning that the more relevant your keywords are to your site the more likely you are to get listed in the top 10, but this also goes along with other factors.

Today all wants that they are listed in top 10 in google. But few of them are maintains that position.
If you thinking to get top 10 position in google. Then it is good.
If your website is new then it takes some time to get top 10 ranking.

Try to find relewant keywords according to your website.
Submit your website to directories.
Submit articles
Make blogs for your website.
Put specific meta tags & anchor tags on your website.
Make RSS & ROR feeds of your website & submit to directory.

Try to find relewant keywords according to your website.

Finding relative keywords doesn't help you get ranked well. It just helps you figure out what you want to get ranked for.

Submit your website to directories.

This will never get you into the top ten for Google. Links from directories, with the exception of the very largest and most popular ones, have so little weight they do virtually nothing for you.

Submit articles

This is worthless as well. If you write articles why give them away? If they are any good put them on your own website as high quality unique content is what will get you the quality links you need to rank well. If your article isn't any good it will do you no good. Putting it on many sites makes it duplicate content which means they won't show up in the SERPs so the pages that display it won't get any traffic and thus no links (which they won't get anyway since the article isn't very good). So if they link back to your site those links are virtually worthless. Plus it is possible links on pages with duplicate content are devalued especially if they are linking to another page with that same duplicate content.

Make blogs for your website.

Making blogs that you link back to your website is an old trick that doesn't work anymore. Instead add a blog to your own website and blog regularly. Write good articles and people will link to you. That will get you far better results.

Put specific meta tags & anchor tags on your website.

Meta tags don't help with SEO and haven't for many years.

Make RSS & ROR feeds of your website & submit to directory.

ROR feeds are worthless. is the only standard and should be the only one you use.

RSS feeds don't do much for SEO but can be good for promotion. But it takes a while for RSS to make any kind of impact on your traffic and won't be a factor in getting you a top ten ranking.

Finding relative keywords doesn't help you get ranked well. It just helps you figure out what you want to get ranked for.

This will never get you into the top ten for Google. Links from directories, with the exception of the very largest and most popular ones, have so little weight they do virtually nothing for you.

This is worthless as well. If you write articles why give them away? If they are any good put them on your own website as high quality unique content is what will get you the quality links you need to rank well. If your article isn't any good it will do you no good. Putting it on many sites makes it duplicate content which means they won't show up in the SERPs so the pages that display it won't get any traffic and thus no links (which they won't get anyway since the article isn't very good). So if they link back to your site those links are virtually worthless. Plus it is possible links on pages with duplicate content are devalued especially if they are linking to another page with that same duplicate content.

Making blogs that you link back to your website is an old trick that doesn't work anymore. Instead add a blog to your own website and blog regularly. Write good articles and people will link to you. That will get you far better results.

Meta tags don't help with SEO and haven't for many years.

ROR feeds are worthless. is the only standard and should be the only one you use.

RSS feeds don't do much for SEO but can be good for promotion. But it takes a while for RSS to make any kind of impact on your traffic and won't be a factor in getting you a top ten ranking.

My friend then you tell me how to get 10 ten in google & yahoo & msn. I had stated all possible solutions to get ranking. If you know some other then tell me.

Because the solutions i had described are the basic and all uses these methods.

RSS are light weighted and easily crawlable by search engines.
Blogs & Articles bring traffic to your website.
Meta Tags are much important, if put appropriate keywords in Meta Tags, then you should get ranking.


I am running 3 website now and tried link formula, how long i have to wait to see my site listed on google, it's 3 weeks already/
I read somewhere that some people able to get their blog listed on google withing 48 hours using XML feed ... Does this sounds right?


I am running 3 website now and tried link formula, how long i have to wait to see my site listed on google, it's 3 weeks already/
I read somewhere that some people able to get their blog listed on google withing 48 hours using XML feed ... Does this sounds right?

Yes it is correct using XML feeds blogs may be listed in 48 hrs.
You told that you are running 3 websites & using link formula.
Link formula helps in increasing PR, not in getting rank.
Be patient & do optimization, you also got listed in top ranking.
I also worked on 5 projects, from these 5 projects 3 projects took 2 months to be listed in google, yahoo & msn.

To get listed in search engine your website should be SEO friendly, i.e it contains relevant text accordibg to keywords. Because fresh & relevant content help in crawling your website.

So try to make your website more search engine friendly.
Try to post blogs daily in bloggers website, write a good article & post in high PR websites.

Do one thing if your websites are IT related then post atleast 2 or 3 blogs in ITVidya ( This sites is cached in every 2 days & this website is strictly IT related.

So be patient & you could get good results.


My friend then you tell me how to get 10 ten in google & yahoo & msn. I had stated all possible solutions to get ranking. If you know some other then tell me.

Sure. No problem. Publish high quality content on your website. Since high quality links are what influences rankings and you can't get those links with poor content you'll need to make your site worth linking to with high quality content.

See? That was easy. :)

Because the solutions i had described are the basic and all uses these methods.

And all are ineffective methods. They will never help anyone rank in the top ten for anything worth ranking for. They either do nothing at all or get you poor quality links which do virtually nothing for you. I think explanations above explained why.

RSS are light weighted and easily crawlable by search engines. [/qupte]
They are not weighted by the search engines. They may crawl them but they offer no weight and no SEO value. RSS is exclusively a promotion technique. Not an SEO technique.

Blogs & Articles bring traffic to your website.

Running muliple blogs bring no more traffic to your website then runnign a blog ON your website. So instead of trying to fool people and Google into thinking all of those blogs like you, and you won't be fooling either of them, put a blog on your site and fill it up with quality content. You'll get much better results.

Meta Tags are much important, if put appropriate keywords in Meta Tags, then you should get ranking.

Meta tags haven't been used in ranking sites in years.

The suggestions you have made all are used and recommended by newbies and lazy people. To rank well you have to work hard. And I don't mean working hard seeking poor links. I mean work hard making good content and promoting your site. It takes time and effort to rank well. Simple gimmicks don't work.

You dont have to pay anyone to seo as long as you know how to do it. You dont even need to submit to the search engines. If you have a clean website with clean code they will naturally pick your website up.

You dont even need to submit to the search engines. If you have a clean website with clean code they will naturally pick your website up.

Assuming you have other sites linking to your site. Otherwise they may never find you. I always recommend to submit to the big three because it only takes one minute to do all three and it is the only guaranteed way to know they are aware of your website.

this can be true. ive always had luck even with out a link back.

Add Quality Links. Try to be in directory submissions forum submissions and add some quality articles with good content.

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