Hi.I want to know about how to generates the leads ? What is exact strategy, i can follow ?

Well... you have to have a service that people would want. If you have that, then you got past step 1. Step 2 is to find a way to drive traffic so that people would pay for your service.


SEO, SMO, Rich Content, Ads, Affiliations, etc.... just the same classic solutions in driving traffic into any site...

commented: Yes you are absolutelly right..With best and wanted service you can use mentioned techniques to get leads..It also depends on how you are going to advertise your site with good content,so use quality content in advertising.. +0

First thing is try to find out the people who want your services after that use social media sites for reaching that audience ....

There are several ways to generate leads to your Bussiness. You can use Facebook, YouTube, Social BookMarks, Articles, Pay per click.

The question is how to do any of these things? Or which one should you use 1st?

I want to simplify it for you. There is a site called Chris Farrell Membership, there you can learn with baby steps each of these strategies.

commented: What is way to lead generates through Facebook, YouTube, Social BookMraks ? +1

To bring conversion is not easy things which do not happen in one day night. Minimum you have to work hard for 3 to 5 month, you can succed only through online strategy such that PPC, SEO, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Wordpress, Video Submission, Press Release are good online marketing strategy. Above that content must be informative, readable for all ages

commented: Can you tell me the way to sue the Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Wordpress, Video Submission, Press Release ? +1

hi.. i want to know the procedure .Anyone tell the websites where can i Learn the Leads generation way ?

There is no rules in generating leads other than doing everything in a way people would want your service. More information can be found in this forum.

thanks for share this information. anyone, have more tips. Please share it.

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