I have done on page optimization and off page optimization for http://www.consumerhealthanswers.com . In off-page optimization, blog posting, article directory submission, document sharing sites and also done SMO Social Media Optimization i.e. facebook, twitter, stumbleupon, pinterest. Our content is pure not duplicate and i am not doing pure link building for this site. But after penguin update 2.0, my project ranking is drop and still not stable. For e.g. my keywords “Amberen” & “Amberen Reviews” is drops for this link http://www.consumerhealthanswers.com/amberen-reviewed.html why.

i have no idea but if you have not done any black hat seo then you should contact google(google web master) to review your site ranking.

Even good sites affected because of this Penguin2.0. This Penguin2.0 hates deleted or 404 links we created. All you have to do is find and delete or create new links. Even I sufferred the slump but surviving on the first page.

You may have created some non-relecant links which cost you penalty. So you must find them and remove them either by asking the site owner to remoce it or by using Google Disavow tool.

Over optimization was also a reason to drop the ranking.

May be you have created some spammy links.

In past 2 years e have not done any back linking. So not sure why it is theating us spam

During Penguin Updation, almost all the website affected. To much of SEO may be a reason for drain of your PR. In new penguin update, your content may have keyword stuffing.

you are not one whose site is affected after google penguin update, many webmasters saw the downfall for their rankings..

Just get the backlinks from quality websites, change or re-fresh the content, check the meta tags is there any keyword stuffing is going on or not...

publish more content, do guest blogging..

Hope then you will recover the rankings again..

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