Inserting more keywords on Meta title and meta description is good for SEO or not?If good means how many keywords can i add on meta title and description?

It was good back in the 90s. Nowadays, not so much. Focus on your top keywords. I would say not more than 20 or so, personally.

Meta title max characters is 60-70

meta description max characters is 160-170

So you can not use so many keywords in it!! just focus on your main & most competative keywords.

I personally add 5 to 7 keyword in meta keyword. I agree with arupweb answer.

There shouldn't be more keywords in the meta tite and description.Like around 3-5 keywords to the max can be added.Also the meta keywords tag is not effective nowadays and google focuses only on the title and meta description tag.

I prefer maximum 3 main keywords in Meta title and description. Using more keywords is keyword stuffing and search engines don't like it. You also should remember limit for title and description shared by arupweb.

Inserting a lot of keywords is as such bad for any SEO activity. For the Title and meta tag, including many keywords would spam your site. So, it is advisable to use not more than 3-4 keywords totally in the title and meta tags.

its depends on the browser we use actually used number of charator in description limit and the keyword and the title for chrome and the mozila there limit change in my opinion

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