I want to increase my Website traffic and i do the seo for myself! I emphasize on content focused Press release, article submissions, blog articles; are they help in improving the site rank?

Well, looks good though and yes try dropping the idea of article submission and concenrate yourself over to other forums, social media, Yahoo answers, Q/A over various other professional communities like mosaichub !

Brita, your statergy looks fine, articles and blog submissions are good in it's own way. First you try all the off page stratergy, after some days, you will only come to know the best technique .Have patience and analyse your website traffic on everyday basis.

commented: You too Article submission?? I would say trying toget a abcklink with article submission is not good at all ! +0

Choose relevant and User friendly keywords have the potential to drive more traffic to your website

Use long tail keywords for quick result so that it gets listed in search engine result page.

Focus on content quality. Its better to keep a blog inside your website. Try social media. It will help.

I emphasize on content focused Press release, article submissions, blog articles; are they help in improving the site rank?

Your SEO strategies are mostly fine but if I were you, I would stop submitting content to article submission sites. They tend to be sometimes spammy and has duplicate content. Focus more on creating online interactions like in social media, forums and even blog commenting.

commented: Good one though ! I agree with you on this one ! +3

They do but just work on offpage and onpage SEO, backlinks, page speed and content for sure is a king. You will find lot of SEO tips online on google so I would suggest if you start from there.

Well @PoolFiltersUSA I gues @OP is already getting his hands dirty over off page - don't you thing "content focused Press release, article submissions, blog articles" comes under off page ?

I suggest not to do article submission as it can be considered as spammy. If you really want to increase your traffic and ranking do submit your article on blog and share them with your friends and followers on social networks. It will help you to make your website more viral and you will get natural backlinks from your friends and followers too.

You can also add your websites to online review platforms like Yelp and ask clients to write some good reviews about it. Don't do mass article submission or you will have negative impact. Better write some good articles and find relevant blogs to publish them.

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