How to get free backlinks?

Free backlinks ??? I would say you need a little correction over there because there's nothing like free backlink what actually it's when you get the backlink with the help of forums, Q/As etc in a natural way i.e. working your way out with white hats techniques then those are strong good link and those paid links are worthless nothing but a piece of crap and eventually it will end up in getting you right of the SERPs google will also punish you for this by putting you on penlty. So, getting a good strong backlinks is working your way over forums, Q/A's, Blogpost etc.

@97pstore, there you go again tough "free links" ? Seriously ?? Does this means that your all you website posses paid links ?

Free back links hmm..... let me think what do you mean by this... Well frankly saying there are many ways. But they won't work and may even penalize you. So start creating links through emphasizing more on social networking and get your website in news it will give you a lot of free coverage.


You will get free backlinks by submitting a directory and doing social bookmarking.

A very good backlink is very hard to get these days.Only through various off page techniques we could acquire quality backlinks.The only way to get free backlinks is by using some backlink tool generator which obviuosly spams the website.

@mindstreak I think you are advising @OP at the wrong direction using tools is just not recommended to build your backlinks it will get you into the bad side of google. I would say @OP don't listen to him work over the backlinks in manual mode i.e buliding slowly on your own ! Unless get ready to see the dark side of Google. And if @mindstreak is doing the same thing they he will soon find himself getting vanished from SERPs.

The Google search algorithm prefers natural way of building backlinks. Any sort of paid submissions or link exchanges should be avoided which comes under black hat techniques. We get the natural back links from Directory submissions, Blogs comments( related to your website), Article Directories, Socail Book markings, Press releases, web2.0 and forum postings.

What types of baclinks do you want for free? If you need bookmarking, directory, web 2.0 then you can visit All are back links are free here. So, visit and enjoy!

You can get backlinks through blogging, forum posting and social bookmarking.

I would like to add infographic submission, video, profile linking to high PR sites. You can also do blog commenting and local citation.

Hello Mr.Gross,

What is infographic submission?. How to do it?. It would be grateful if you could share high PR sites for infographic submission, video and profile linking?

have great content and profile industry leaders and companies and universities and events on your website from your sector, they are bound to link to u

@samauden Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly about a certain topic. You can create about your products or services using any tool. Submit it to infographics sites and you can put your link to that. For high PR sites, you can search in Google.

Hello Mr.Gross,
I have searched in Google for Inforgraphic tools and found some tools. What is the best tool for free to use?

@sathyakumar23 create accounts at tumblr, wordpress, blogspot and post any content with your URL, here itself you can get a backlink.

Use Forum Posting, q/a submission, social bookmarking, if u have good content then you should concentrate on guest blog post.

use social network to create a backlink.

Its Not possible to get free backlinks , But once your Website goes to links some website analysing websites are automatically add your website details to him websites , otherwsie added only for automatically only

You should post the link in High Page Rank sites then you will get a free back links

@aravinth did you say high page rank site to get free backlinks ?? I would say bthink again obout this one as google has already cleared things out that next page rank udate isn't going to happen, which makes me saying that there are some good sites having low page rank, and I don't think you want to ignore then don't you ??

Getting Back link for your site you can do like this search for the sites in google which has high pr and try to search for dofollow sites even where you are benefited bit more than nofollow sites,an try to do bookmarking ,directories,classifieds ,web2.0 sites,image sharing ,video sharing,Pdf submissions many more do all this you will find backlinks for your site..


Backlinks are inbounds links coming from other blog or websites to your site,
Creating high quality back link is not a tuff task u can use different off page techniques such as Blogging, Forum Posting, Social Bookmarking, Directory Submission,Press Release, Free Classified Posting.

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