What is the difference between search network and display network in PPC. I want to run a PPC campaign but I dont know which network is best for my campaign. can any one tell me the difference between these two network.

oh that's one of Google's greatest tricks. The search network is the actual search engine results pages where your ad may appear based on keywords mostly.

The display network, on the other hand is an entirely different beast. It means the Adsense web pages that your ad can appear on based mostly on them having remotely similar keywords as your ad campaign dictates.

What's the difference, well, on the search network your search engine ads are more likely to get clicks from actual searchers looking for your product or service whereas on the display network most of your search engine marketing budget is eaten up by click throughs motivated in revenue generating for the Adsense publisher from his remotely related web pages filled with search engine ads.

In other words, one can be an effective form of search engine marketing, the other, a big fraud as far as I'm concerned.

And you ever feel comforted thinking that Google admits to having less than 0.1% click through fraud rate even though independant research calculates click-through fraud from 35-70% (making it a $4B annual fraud). You decide though and experiment yourself but I have trouble believe anything that comes from an American corporation especially one with such a silly corporate motto as "Do no evil."

Yeah, Search network mean, text ads at google search page, Display network one of creative images ads at some other populars websites.

It is very useful information.

If you are new in PPC than Search network ppc is good for you and bid type will be CPC.

Text ads is called as search network and image ads is called as display network

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