hi everybody,i have a website
i seo keywords " đăng tin rao vặt miễn phí" by title header. but when search "dang tin rao vat mien phi", this keyword result appears before "đăng tin rao văt miễn phí" keyword result.
a another problem when i search "dang tin rao vat mien phi" on my computer (deleted all cookies, sessions...) that result is on page 2. but another computer that the result is page 4

please give me some comments, and explain for me how to seo keywords. i 'm new bie

Google search results are different on every browser as well as PC, because google provides the quality results to the user. so it should be different on same PC after some hours.

what about:

i seo keywords " đăng tin rao vặt miễn phí" by title header. but when search "dang tin rao vat mien phi", this keyword result appears before "đăng tin rao văt miễn phí" keyword result.

do you know

what is your status in seo field

i'm new bie, can you explain clearly?

Yes google algorithm contains many of creteria to give search rank to particular keywords. I depends on browser, individual PC, time of searching etc.

yes, i understand it @grow, i think that without accent sentences will more priority than accent sentences. so search result with " dang tin rao vat mien phi" keywords will appear more priority than "đăng tin rao vặt miễn phí"

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