how to submit our business (Not in US Origin) in LOCAL Listing of BING website.

reply awaited.


Not necessary to submit, it will find your site on their way..

Its not necessary as the search engines crawl your website but if you submit it may be possible(may not always) that your site will be indexed faster then auto crawling.

I would still suggest to submit to bing,google and yahoo ... below is a link where you can see the submission pages for all of these engines...
Submitting Sites

If you know some other growing search engines then its always good to submit upfront.

Let me know if you do not agree with my opinion.

commented: Thanks for the info +2

...Submitting Sites...

Very well done but you should run the content through spellcheck. Good use of word variables ie: web page and webpage. Grammar is a little off but readable regardless.

Make sure you optimize the site as much as possible for content and keywords so your site can be found by the search engine crawlers.

Bing robots will crawl your site naturally. Submitting your url to Bing is not really necessary, fyi.

While Bing may find you naturally - it is advantageous to submit your website at the link given below.
You will also benefit from Bing's input and improvement suggestions on your website. Sign up and discover the advantages.


mindsphere in

No submission link found, just a standard website optimization company. Misleading visitors is a pitiful way to advertise your company here.

Here is the intended link, missed out inadvertently.
Canadafred's comments are unnecessarily harsh. Perhaps he has never missed anything unintentionally.

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