The London Telegraph's website has a story with the headline "Microsoft Bing continues to steal market share of Google". Read the first paragraph and you learn...

"Google’s share of the search space has fallen from 78.72 per cent in May to 78.48 per cent in June, according to internet data firm StatCounter. Microsoft’s share of the market, meanwhile, has grown to 8.23 per cent since the launch of Bing, up from the 7.8 per cent share it enjoyed before the rebranding of its search portal."

Hardly earth shattering. And in the second paragraph you learn that Yahoo is still # 2 with 11 percent of all search traffic. Is anyone surprised? Did anyone realistically expect differently?

I am not surprised. Of course, after any major press coverage, Bing was going to experience a surge. Visitors were curious and perhaps wondered if it is better than Google. Then the curiosity wane... Then those stats you mentioned reflect the adage, "It's back to normal."

If I am Yahoo I am wondering what I have to do to get some respect.

Hopefully Bing will take more people from Google, Google having too much power in the Search Engine markets really sucks.

Is true, but... in my opinion bing is the worst search engine in the world, seo poisoning?... you never get what you are searching for.
Google have almost all the market share in search engine, and this is bad for the market, but... is the best search engine, quite accurate.

I wonder if Yahoo will release a new and improved search engine as well...

Bing are making a very big publicity campaing in media market... in my opinion this mean that some people are "curious" and go to bing but like i see bing are working good in search results.
sorry for my bad english.. english isnt my mother language :)

Hopefully Bing will take more people from Google, Google having too much power in the Search Engine markets really sucks.

Like politicians, Google gets its power from the people who use it. Google happens to be really good at what they do and are on the top of the mountain. If Bing and Yahoo take the challenge seriously they will make headway. The fact that Google is saying they are not that big is interesting but it could be read one of two ways. First, maybe they are being challenged and are a little concernced. Second, they could be just playing possum and trying to make the other SEs think they are gaining and then come out with the next big thing.

bing is the same as older msn search engine. Still google is the best.

I wonder if Bing will ever displace Google but statistics do not reflect that. What about Yahoo?

I doubt very much we have seen the end of this round of search market share wavering. I'd suspect by the end of Microsoft's push that they will indeed have evened out the ballfield, somewhat. I also think, knowing a bit of the history behind this long fought battle, that Microsoft has some fancy marketing plan up its sleeve to propel Bing even further. It's amazing to watch Bing's momentum starting to build though, and there doesn't seem to be much stopping it at the moment, in spite of Google appeals (aimed to please their investors no doubt; squeaking like a frightened boy whistles in the dark).

I also wonder if Bing (and Yahoo) will get a bounce from the fact that it has been rumoured that one of the top exec's at Google may be named the Cyber Czar in the new administration. Politicians have talked a lot in the last few years about regulating, taxing and monitoring the internet, so if someone from the biggest SE is given a post in the administration with no oversight from congress (none of the Czar's are vetted by or answer to the congress) people may start to avoid Google like the plague.

Just like some time ago there were the Big Three with TV networks until Fox came along, I wonder if... if... there is a newcomer search engine that will make its presence and become part of the new Big Four. Who knows...

Just like some time ago there were the Big Three with TV networks until Fox came along, I wonder if... if... there is a newcomer search engine that will make its presence and become part of the new Big Four. Who knows...

That would mean doing what Fox did which was offer something different. The question is what is that different approach that the others are missing or possible avoiding?

Google still returns more relevant results. Bing still not smart enough to detect whether site is country code based.
They do it to some extent by the domain name but they don't look at other factors that google do.

BUNG search engine increases its share from 7.8% -> 8.23% =5%
Bung CEO "we are giving Google a run for it's money"
Google CEO "Who ?"
78.72 - > 78.48% = -0.3% rounded to 1 sgnificant figure = 0,

big news for Bung, big deal for google

BING is an acronym


which is what the development team heard every time they asked opinions

It's been a few months since this thread was started, and still I haven't been hearing much about Bing lately. At least not in the world of tech-related content. (Some search engines are better for some types of searches and others are better for other types ... Google just has always been the only search engine to provide me with relevant tech-related queries, some other search engines have proven to work better for me for consumerish type stuff).

and Yahoo? I don`t understand their strategy if the have one.

20 years with ~2% of the pc market, and then applaud themselves when they get 3%
apple ads slag windows for being in its seventh iteration, while releasing OSx(10) version 10.6 'snow leopard'
apple have other stuff, makes money,

yahoo are the apple of the search engine world
must be doing something right, they're still in business, even if not making a killing in this business (search)

Today, The Nielson Company actually reported some search data for December 2009. It showed that Google's search share surged from 65.4% to 67.3% (almost two full points) while both Bing and Yahoo lost market share.

So it would seem that Bing's recent surge was short-lived.

But what I found interesting is that I was reviewing web analytics data for a few sites and I noticed that Bing was a better referrer for paid than for unpaid search. Go figure.

I don't think Google can be dethrone...

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