I really would like to get my site up quite a bit in order to get Google to approve it, but I just don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice to help me?
I care about my site and I want it to do good but I don't know what I am doing wrong. I need to improve my score but I feel like I have tried everything and I haven't been able to do this? What do you do when you need to get your site's score up?

Thanks in advance for the help.

may i know, what site score you are talking?

If you are talking about overall SEO Score of your website which many SEO tools provide - is nothing but tools estimation about what's your website chances to do well in Search Engine.

If you dig dipper, you will notice there are several factors which you need to take care for your website to improve SEO Score. Like meta tags, content issues, header tags, canonical issues, robots.txt file, sitemap file, Bakclinks, mobile friendly website, SEO friendly URL etc.

SE do not approve or disapprove anything,
SE index everything they find.
The depth that search engines use the index of your site in responses, solely depends on your site content
If your site is crap: of poor content, inaccurate or unoriginal; it will be fullly indexed, but never returned in searches.
Content is King; content good enough that other sites link to yours

No keywords
No posting of Signature links,
no link exchanges,
no bought links, all of which are done by you

will accomplish as much as a single genuine link, done by someone else

hmmricha posts good points to check out,

The Google Webmaster Tools dashboard for your site . . . .

If you don't yet have a google webmaster tools account, it is probably an appropriate time to get one.

. . . . lists the SEBot's problems, and how to fix them

This thread Read Me before you ask for review, code compliant sites rank higher in SER goes further.

Google Webmaster Tools: The Rules; explained by that which makes The Rules, personalised to your site

If you are trying to discuss about Website's Keyword Rankings, Just build more High Authority Niche Backlinks to your website.
If Indexing, Try check your website's OnPage Optimization Status. Lookout for Content duplication. There are a great bunch of tools available free on internet use them all on your website.
Try everything you are intended to try. Cheers:)

What have you done already to improve your score? What score are we talking about?

using best and good content, on page SEO and off page SEO works will definitely make your website to be indexed by google easily as by dong all these things, the traffic will be get increased and so, the search engine rankings will also get differed.

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