Hello all,
I was hoping you guys with all the knowledge could help me out? A friend of mine says that he has a way of getting his computer to keep opening an internet link. He has his own web site. is there a program that will allow you to constantly open an internet link?? i.e instead of clicking a sponsered link, the computer will do it for you? Im dubious ?


If you are implying that you'd like a program that will click on your competitors ads, or your own adsense ads - well - we don't condone crooked behavior here!

No actually that wasn't quite the idea. I'm very new to all this, and my friend is a very experienced web designer. He claims to have this ability and i'm just wondering if he is telling porkeys?? Im not really looking for the name of a program as such, i guess basic computer programming could produce such a tool?:?:

yes it wouldnt take much to do

This is against da rulez. you can get banned from google adsense for this. Just to let you know. It is nothing short of stealing.

yep google don't like the idea of people 'stealing' and especially their money.

Hello all,
I was hoping you guys with all the knowledge could help me out? A friend of mine says that he has a way of getting his computer to keep opening an internet link. He has his own web site. is there a program that will allow you to constantly open an internet link?? i.e instead of clicking a sponsered link, the computer will do it for you? Im dubious ?


What you are looking for is very possable, and doesn't take much to do. But the drawback is it is unethical, disallowed on most sites, and borders on being Illegal.

This is very immoral. I don't think you'll find anyone at Daniweb who will help you to do this.

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