Hi everyone!
I can not drive traffic on my website. The backlinks that I am creating are not indexing hence I am not getting any referral traffic as well as backlinks.
Can someone help me out? Also how can I index my backlink on Wikipedia?

I have to ask about that WEIRD behavior at your website. I went there, scrolled down a bit then pressed the END key which usually takes me to the end of the page. The page went to the end and then scrolled back. Just weird.

Maybe you are getting a little too fancy and the rating bots don't like that?

commented: Sir the end ki always takes you at the end of the page and the home button at the top. you should have pressed the page down button +0

There are two main ways to get more website traffic: organically and through paid advertising.

Organic traffic comes from people searching for you on search engines or finding your site through other websites. You can improve your organic traffic with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by creating high-quality content, optimizing your website for search terms, and getting backlinks from other websites.

Paid advertising lets you target specific audiences on search engines, social media, and other websites. This can be a quick way to get traffic to your site, but it will cost you money.

Your site appears to have been updated and the weird behavior is gone.

commented: yes +0

focus on creating high-quality content that provides value to your target audience. Keyword research and on-page SEO can help ensure your content is optimized to rank well.

  1. Get Backlinks Indexed:
    Ensure quality backlinks from high-authority sites.
  2. Drive Referral Traffic:
    Diversify backlink sources by targeting niche websites, forums, and social media.
    Create shareable content
  3. Index Backlink on Wikipedia:
    Create an account and contribute meaningful edits first.

I think you have to work on your website with on page SEO and off page SEO. Post blogs, Use different types of key word , focus on main key word. you can see your website statues on google search console and improve the contains.

I think you have to work on your website with on page SEO and off page SEO. Post blogs, Use different types of key word , focus on main key word. you can see your website status on google search console and improve the contains. In off page SEO you can use Quora, Guest post, PPT Slides etc.

To index backlinks, submit your site to Google Search Console and use tools like IndexNow or link indexing services. For Wikipedia backlinks, ensure your content is credible and cited as a reliable source in relevant articles, but note Wikipedia backlinks are usually nofollow.

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