
Can any one tell me, what is meaning of PR5 / PR6 / PR7? related to website...
And how to find it or url.
any url regarding this.

amsky commented: Page Rank +0

And using search bbcode [search]pagerank[/search]

To answer your question:

PR means: Page Rank
The numbers 5, 6 or 7 mean: How relevant that website's contents are.

The Search Engines have tiny "robots" if you will, and they look for content rich websites that are relevant to what you are looking for.

The lower your number the "Better!"

Example: From a scale of 1 to 10
10 being the lowest and 1 being the most relevant.

Good luck out there!

PR from 1 to 10 is not so relevant to real google rank. It gives you an approximate value. The real value is not available publicly.

It means that the site having those PR have good value..

It is Google's measurement of a page's popularity. It is determined from the quantity of links linking back to it as well as quality links linking back to it. The higher the more "worth" your page is in the Internet Marketing world.

Well, PR refers to Page rank which is a remark given by search engines to know how much value your website has amongst all websites? But it doesn't mean that only your site will have that PR. There are so many sites on web that will have the same value as yours.

Page Rank 5
Page Rank 6
Page Rank 7

PR from 1 to 10 is not so relevant to real google rank. It gives you an approximate value. The real value is not available publicly.

Google's toolbar PR *used* to be some type of rudimentary representation of your real internal Google pagerank (which is used in search algorithms). However, lately, it's nothing more than show.

Google wants to disuade webmasters from buying/selling/trading links for PR. They know webmasters think their Google toolbar shows the PR value which represents link power. They also know that SEO types are the only people who even look at the PR toolbar. Therefore, in an effort to deprecate the toolbar entirely, they populate it with phony data and let word get around the webmaster community not to trust the toolbar.

THough google is not displaying the correct pagerank in the toolbar, i think you should at least get a idea on what's your status is..

hello cscga...........
i am agrry with your suggestion . Lowest page rank have a good value addition.

Do you know where i can find the good links for PR5 to start my links buiding for my sing shop website?

Thank you For your forum

To answer your question:

PR means: Page Rank
The numbers 5, 6 or 7 mean: How relevant that website's contents are.

The Search Engines have tiny "robots" if you will, and they look for content rich websites that are relevant to what you are looking for.

The lower your number the "Better!"

Example: From a scale of 1 to 10
10 being the lowest and 1 being the most relevant.

Why people in this forum forgot about PR 0. All above members are talking about PR 1 to 10 but what about PR 0.


Can any one tell me, what is meaning of PR5 / PR6 / PR7? related to website...
And how to find it or url.
any url regarding this.

Hi Bipin,

The PR stand for "Page Rank" which is given by Google. Google check lots of other stuffs and than provide according PR for that particular web page. It is good to have higher page rank. If you want to check PR you have intstall Google toolbar for your browser. Once it has been installed you can easily check the page rank for any webpage.

Hello friends
Great and informative site,will be using a lot ,thanks for free links to high pr sites.


it is simply called as page rank ,this is value of your site in sight of Google

PR stands for Page Rank which the google assign to a particular website, It ranges from 0-10. O means that either the rank is at the lowest osition of pending and 10 means the highest PR site.
You can check PR of different sites in ur browser with the help of plugins availabe in different browsers.

How many PR10 websites are there?

PR is an abreviation for page rank. it represents where your site is ranked

The PR5,PR6,PR7 meaning is nothing its indicated good page rank sites..the number will indicated they self..Like this they are all having good alexa traffic sites..

It indicates of sites having their different high page ranks...It was approved by Google..

My site, I want to make it get PR5, who can show me how many link PR6, PR7

PR Means Page Rank.Their value is 5,6,7 means pagae rank 5, page rank 6, page rank 7. Page Rank can be check by the help of tool.Page Rank Checker is best tool to check the Page Rank.

PR5 means pagerank=5
you can use prchecker to inquery.

PR means page rank. it is important for a website to have a good PR. it's important for it's SEO.

I am agree with your suggetions ,PR from 1 to 10 is not so relevant to real google rank. It gives you an approximate value. The real value is not available publicly.

It is called as pagerank, it would be given by gogle to our site according to the quality content...

PR means Page Rank, It is used to check quality of website.

PR- page rank and yes which web sites having page rank 10?

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