Do you suggest using rel=nofollow on forum posts since the content is user-submitted? What about just for users with less than X posts? Or just in forum signatures?

Good question. I've never seen links to be a problem in any way with link farms and stuff so I don't think it is necessary. But if you do it for members with less then 10 posts or so that would affect only spammers and members who don't hang around so it would be a safe way to use it to deflect any potential problems.

Definetly this will reduce spammer for your site though Google dislike " nofollows ".

Definetly this will reduce spammer for your site though Google dislike " nofollows ".

Completely untrue. Google invented rel='nofollow' so why would they dislike it?

Do you suggest using rel=nofollow on forum posts since the content is user-submitted? What about just for users with less than X posts? Or just in forum signatures?

Other method (only for Yahoo) is "class=robots-nocontent"

That just prevents Yahoo from displaying the content in that block in their SERPs. To block links you have to use nofollow which Yahoo does honor. But it should be noted that Yahoo will follow the link. They just won't give that link any value.

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