Hi there,

My web site is has a lot of content that is related to places overseas and not in North America. Target audience on the other hand is in North America.

I'm wondering does the geolocation of backlinks affect the quality of my pages, PR and poularity from Search Engines?

In terms of targeting my audience this is hard enough, since most visitors are as likely to search and find content in 'overseas websites' as in 'North American' web sites. Google does sort results to location closest to you I believe, so that makes advertising in North American websites a better choice. However, advertising overseas may be less expensive and I would get backlinks of higher quality (bigger PR, more traffic) for a lower price.

Note that I'm only interested in increasing popularity with Search Engines and not necessary trying to get target audience traffic (for now at least).

My assumption is that by having a lot of quality links coming from overseas, I might increase popularity of my web sites for North America as well as overseas.

I'm brainstorming as I type, but if anyone could elaborate a little on finding that right 'balance', I would really appreciate it. I find this really really important topic, although some of you might say --it's probably not that important.


Geolocation would only be a factor in country-specific or local search. It will not affect the main SERPs. It will also never affect PR as that is strictly a link popularity indicator.

Geolocation would only be a factor in country-specific or local search. It will not affect the main SERPs. It will also never affect PR as that is strictly a link popularity indicator.

So in other words, it's ok and smart to continue to get backlinks from non-North American web sites for a better price just for sakes of link popularity/SERP. Or not? Any ideas?

Sounds too good to be true since if PR and SERPs improve then so does the traffic.
But then my question would be, why would this SEO strategy not be popular?

Because it doesn't work. Those links you buy have little value. You need links from related website preferably from ones that rank well for the terms you want to rank well for. And with Google starting to crack down on paid links don't be so sure those links have any value.

Here is another option and good advice.

Don't waste your time with artificially empowering your content externally.

Points taken.

I understand the part that I need to target quality web sites that are similar to mine and that rank well.

My only question is whether two sites that rank similarly for chosen keywords are of different quality for google based solely on geolocation.

What if for example the web site is tourism related. Do you get backlinks from Z host country or North America where your market is, or it doesn't matter...

But then yes you are right, that would be enpowering the web site artificially.

I don't think that Geographical location of websites that link to your is bad for PR.

The more related (niche) links you can get, the better.

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