I read in adifferent post about buy and selling google pr, where someone said that they wanted to build a directory to get their site back upto a higher PR.

Is this true, by addding a link directory you cna increase your google pr?

We do a lot of link exchanges and it doesnt not seem to be working, would it be better to build a directory to place the links in rather then placing the links directly on the site itself?


That's not true. Wherever you read that is probably a bad place to get SEO advice.

Your goal is to get links IN tp your site. Not to link to other sites. And the reason why link exchanges aren't working is because they have no positive effect on SEO and is more likely to hurt you then help you. Stop seeking link exchanges and start seeking one way inbound links.

But your goal is not to exchange links. It is to get one way links to your site.

I actually read it in a different post here, maybe I misunderstood what they were saying. Getting inbound links seems to be an impossilble task without spending all kinds of money.

I will see if I can get it going! Thanks as always

If you are going to exchange links, just follow two things -
1. it should be relevant.
2. it would be a quality website.

Then, LE will work for you.

If you are going to exchange links, just follow two things -
1. it should be relevant.
2. it would be a quality website.

I second you on this. Quality and relevancy are key factors for SEO stratergies.

A directory ISa good idea for SEO on your site.

I will show you a way to get ONE way links to your site by aiming your reciprical links to your home page or internal page (more important than ever to get internal pages)

You can do it like this:

Create 2 folders to the root of the website you can call them GO and Directory.

Install your new directory into the directory folder.

Edit the Meta Refresh in the "Go" "index.html" to point to the http://www.yoursite.com/Directory

Add Disallow: /go/ to your robots.txt file

Create the link for visitors that will take them to the redirect.

You can use something like this: <a href="/go/">ADD URL</a>

Since the redirect is a standard meta refresh, and is disallowed from robots,
it is not spidered, or followed, so this is a perfectly legal way to make sure
the spiders never see the destination page!
(in fact, this exact method was endorsed by a Google Engineer in Webmaster World)

if you are honest and want to get your linkers (and yourself) some value, you will submit your new directory to the search engines and some directories, eventually it will start getting its OWN page rank and your site will be a lot more valuable as an asset to your users and the search engines.

Eric Rothchild

What you are talking about is fine with search engines but fraudulent to website owners. Basically you are tricking them into thinking they are getting a reciprocal link that will help their rankings but in reality they are getting nothing. How would you feel if you were on the receiving end of such a trick?

if you will read my post before insulting my advice - I said, if you submit the directory gets its own PR, in a lot of cases the direcory actually gets better ranking than the site itself.

if you will read my post before insulting my advice - I said, if you submit the directory gets its own PR, in a lot of cases the direcory actually gets better ranking than the site itself.

That has nothing to do with what we're talking about.

In your post you outline how to block the links back to reciprocal link partners so they have no SEO value. That's the fraud I am talking about. You can't hide it as it is there in your post for anyone to read.

It will not be fraud if the directory is looked at by the search engines as a separate site, the only thing my redirect does is stop the spider from going from the main site to the directory, it does not stop the spider from going to the directory which is why I posted this paragraph:

<---my post-->
"if you are honest and want to get your linkers (and yourself) some value, you will submit your new directory to the search engines and some directories, eventually it will start getting its OWN page rank and your site will be a lot more valuable as an asset to your users and the search engines."
<---my post-->"

You see? Its not fraud, it can actually be a better situation for both the web owner and the person you are linking to as long as 1. the directory is relevant and 2. you submit the directory url to the engines so that it can start getting spidered and gain its own pagerank.

I can see your calling me a fraud if I had advised a no follow on the directory or scripted no follows within the sites program but for a sub directory that gets spidered regularly and has pagerank?

I feel that you are either not giving my advice enough consideration or you did not understand that what I was doing is giving advice to create a high pagerank directory to list the sites that link to the home page, which allows BOTH parties to gain a ONE WAY link back and forth in the spiders eyes which goes opposite of your last post:

<---your last post-->
"In your post you outline how to block the links back to reciprocal link partners so they have no SEO value."
<---your last post-->

Get it?

It's fraud to the sites you link to. Not the search engines. You are deceiving people into thinking they are getting a link with SEO value when in fact it has none. That is unethical.

Get it?

This is good advice people, read my posts and try to understand what I am saying and take it or don't read them and leave it so my sites beat yours.

Here is a challenge for you, explain to me how its fraud and the links to the sites have no SEO value if the directory:

*Has Zero no spiders on it
*Has plenty of back links
*Gets spidered regularly
*Has placement in the SERPS
*Has a good Page Rank?

Not sure about you folks but I would take those links all day long especially because they are viewed as a one way incoming link each way by the search engines.


You completely miss the point. You're misleading other webmaster into thinking they are getting a link that has SEO value. By blocking it from the search engines it has none.

I am not blocking it from the search engines. Jesus, did you read anything I wrote?

The redirect ONLY stops it from going from the main site to the directory to accomplish 2 things, one it will keep spiders that come into the main site on the main site (the spiders that go to directly the directory stay there which is why it is important to submit it) and it gets the spiders to look at the directory as a separate site with lots and lots of SEO value. The directory:

*Has Zero no spiders on it
*Has plenty of back links
*Gets spidered regularly
*Has placement in the SERPS
*Has a good Page Rank

So please... Explain to all of us how that offers no SEO value.

Please, to avoid being redundant, do me a favor and read my original post again and try to understand that I am not advising people to block the spider from the directory, I am just showing how to separate the site from the directory so the spiders see 2 sites instead of 1, both offer good SEO value and BOTH linking sites get a one way incoming link which offers even more seo value to both parties involved in the link exchange.

You obviously need to have your memory refreshed. Here is where you said it:

A directory ISa good idea for SEO on your site.

I will show you a way to get ONE way links to your site by aiming your reciprical links to your home page or internal page (more important than ever to get internal pages)

You can do it like this:

Create 2 folders to the root of the website you can call them GO and Directory.

Install your new directory into the directory folder.

Edit the Meta Refresh in the "Go" "index.html" to point to the http://www.yoursite.com/Directory

Add Disallow: /go/ to your robots.txt file

Create the link for visitors that will take them to the redirect.

You can use something like this: <a href="/go/">ADD URL</a>

Since the redirect is a standard meta refresh, and is disallowed from robots,
it is not spidered, or followed, so this is a perfectly legal way to make sure
the spiders never see the destination page!

(in fact, this exact method was endorsed by a Google Engineer in Webmaster World)

Try to argue your way out of that now.

No its not, its only a way to stop them from going through THAT particular folder, the web will have plenty of other links going to the directory if you follow the directions. The spiders are welcome from any other submission.

BTW I am not arguing, just trying to teach you something but it seems that you are not willing to listen.

If you pay attention to what you JUST quoted from my FIRST POST, you will see that the meta refreshes INTO the second folder where the DIRECTORY is, there is NOT A NO FOLLOW on the directory.

Since the GO folder only has the one file and no links it does not need to be spidered so we are okay to put a no follow there, keep in mind that the directory will not have a no follow if you follw the directions that you just posted.

AGAIN submit the directory folder and it will get indexed and spidered and it WILL gain Pagerank.

You never told me how the links have no SEO value either.

How many more ways can I say the same thing to you man? I can keep it up until the light bulb goes off but you have to pay attention.

Read this to yourself 5 times before you post:

***{Edit the Meta Refresh in the "Go" "index.html" to point to the http://www.yoursite.com/Directory
Add Disallow: /go/ to your robots.txt file. Submit the directory to engines. Enjoy one way links in both directions}***

See the GO folder is the only one with the no-follow tag and that means the directory will get spidered and indexed. and who cares if the "GO" folder does not send the spider to the Directory folder when it is getting submitted itself to bring spiders and get itself lots and lots of SEO value.

By blocking that page in the go folder you essentially block any pages that use that folder to be found by humans and search engines. You're trying to make it look innocent but it isn't. You're cheating people out of links. I don't know who you think you are fooling.

I actually read it in a different post here, maybe I misunderstood what they were saying. Getting inbound links seems to be an impossilble task without spending all kinds of money.

You shouldn't pay for links either. Just write a good site with good content. Optomize the code right and wait/ask people to link. If no one wants to link to you, you most likely don't have anything worth linking too!

By blocking that page in the go folder you essentially block any pages that use that folder to be found by humans and search engines. You're trying to make it look innocent but it isn't. You're cheating people out of links. I don't know who you think you are fooling.

Stymee man, no pages use that folder accept the link from the main site to the directory. I am not advising anyone to block any pages in the Directory, just ONE link from the main site to the directory, other links to the directory are free to move into it and do whatever.

That link that separates the main site to the directory allows just that... separation which gets you 2 individual sites in the search engines eyes allowing the spiders to view one way links to both linkers. Both sites have incoming links from all over the internet

I have been doing SEO for a long, long time (since the 90's) and I have never cheated anyone out of even 1 link.

Now tell me how the links have no SEO value when both have pagerank and get spider and human visitors from the serps?

Dude, I quoted your text previously where you flat out claim to block the links so they have no SEO value. Until you can show that it isn't what you are doing how can anyone believe you are honest in what you are trying to explain?

The quote showed how to separate the folders so that the spider can not go to the directory from the main site, that is what we want to avoid the appearance of the two being the same site.

Here are some key points to remember:

The "GO" folder on your server is an empty folder except for the redirect to the Directory folder on your server.

The "GO" folder has a no follow in the robots text.

The directory does not have a no follow in any robots.txt so the spiders are free to roam.

The "GO" folder nofollow ONLY blocks the spider from traveling "from the main site to the directory" ... that is to create the illusion of 2 separate sites and therefore 1 one way links.

The spiders are not blocked from the Directory folder so that we can create SEO value there by gaining visitors and pagerank from various submissions.

Once you submit the directory (www.yoursite.com/Directory) it will begin to get its own visitors, spider visits, and page rank.

There is not a no follow tag on the directory and since we are not linking back and forth from directory to the main site the engines see it as a spearate site.

There will be Yoursite.com and then Yoursite.com/Directory, both should be submitted separately and each will get its own Page Rank if done properly.

The directory should be submitted as its own site so the spiders visit it independently.

I should add that is is not a good idea to link back from the directory to the main site I cant believe I left that out.

You also seem to need to learn about PR. PR is not done by website. It is done by web PAGE. So separating the two for pagerank purposes is silly. Actually, the same applies to rankings. Search engines rank web pages, not websites. Also, being on the same domain name associates all of the pages to one website so having the directory in a subdirectory accomplishes nothing.

Remember, Google says that it is against their webmaster rules to participate in any type of link building strategy. So if you aquire links more slowly Google sees this as natural, especially if the site is new.

"separating the two for page rank purposes is silly. Actually, the same applies to rankings."

I believe you are correct in stating that separating the for page rank is not a good idea, but to keep the spiders in one place and get separate SEO value for your directory and the folks that it links to, it is a good idea.

Being on the same domain, or even Cblock is not ideal but this strategy works better than just a plain old directory, most sub directories have Zip for PR and this helps make it more of a link magnet "worthwhile" to link with the main site. And still it is looked at more or less as a one way link which boosts the value of the time you spend gaining links.

Dan_X - It is better to gain links slowly and just by having a directory doesn’t mean we are getting them faster, it is still painstakingly tough to get them so it takes a while.

Oh and stymee, your site code has lots of errors, even on the front page, fix it and see if that helps your rankings. If you want me to fix it, send me a PM. Personally I don’t think it matters, I did not even declare a doc type or a KW tag until this year, but that is a matter of preference so I thought you should know.

Being on the same domain, or even Cblock is not ideal but this strategy works better than just a plain old directory, most sub directories have Zip for PR and this helps make it more of a link magnet "worthwhile" to link with the main site. And still it is looked at more or less as a one way link which boosts the value of the time you spend gaining links.

Actually being on the same IP address doesn't matter. It only comes into play when an unnatural linking scheme comes into play. Even then, cross-linking sites on the same IP is acceptable and does not cause any problems.

Oh and stymee, your site code has lots of errors, even on the front page, fix it and see if that helps your rankings. If you want me to fix it, send me a PM. Personally I don’t think it matters, I did not even declare a doc type or a KW tag until this year, but that is a matter of preference so I thought you should know.

What code has lots of errors?

I love it when people tell you myths as if they are facts, the fact is that no one knows whether or not the same IP matters but I have played with it over the years and my best sites have been on dedicated IP addresses.

While we are on the IP address topic... I also find it funny that only around 3% of websites have dedicated IP addresses, BUT... In the top 50 results of almost any search term a whopping 90% have dedicated IP addresses and close to Zip are on the same C block.

These are well known facts, I am simply speculating, repeating myths, or making somthign up to make you look bad.

Brainyminds homepage is where the errors are, I was looking at your seo strategies and figured I will check up on the code, hope you don't mind. I went ahead and uploaded a txt file with the errors listed so you can fix it, I am curious to see if it helps at all.

I love it when people tell you myths as if they are facts, the fact is that no one knows whether or not the same IP matters but I have played with it over the years and my best sites have been on dedicated IP addresses.

I love when people don't listen to the engineers at Google when they tell you something is fact. That worse then believing myths.

While we are on the IP address topic... I also find it funny that only around 3% of websites have dedicated IP addresses, BUT... In the top 50 results of almost any search term a whopping 90% have dedicated IP addresses and close to Zip are on the same C block.

These are well known facts, I am simply speculating, repeating myths, or making somthign up to make you look bad.

That is a horrible reason for believing this. That's like saying all red cars are fast because a lot of ferraris are red.

Did you even consider the hundreds of other ranking a factors? Did you consider why sites with dedicated IPs might rank higher without SEO even being a factor? Clearly not. You can even just start off by saying that sites on dedicate IP addresses have spent more money on their hosting because their website is more important then the average Joe's website. They have put good money into its creation and maintenance and it is an important part of their business model. They probably advertise more and have high quality content to boot. Those are the kinds of sites that rank well and it's not because of their dedicated IP address.

You can also shoot that down by saying that statistic is a bunch of crap and most sites that rank well are on shared hosting. There's no way to took a good sample of sites to make that claim. The vast majority of sites are on shared IPs and they rank well for for a very wide variety of terms.

The whole "dedicated IP address is important for SEO" thing is a myth.

Brainyminds homepage is where the errors are, I was looking at your seo strategies and figured I will check up on the code, hope you don't mind. I went ahead and uploaded a txt file with the errors listed so you can fix it, I am curious to see if it helps at all.

Those ate HTML errors and have no effect on SEO or the rendering of the website. It's also completely irrelevant for this discussion.

"Those ate HTML errors and have no effect on SEO"

Again, an Uproven Myth. How do you know? I would love to see this tell all source you are getting your information from.

I'll move on now, this is getting redundant, hopefully someone somewhere learned somthing from us.

commented: Now that was a stupid post -2
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