I have heared about a lot of ppc programs and alot of discussion on them about wich is the best and i was wanderin to know and apriximate rate each one pey per klick. I know some of them dont have a fix rate.
Reprort ur excperience here plz.

It costs on average $1 to $5/click for a competitive keyword.

thanx for ur reply! What I was askin is the name of the site wich ofer the program and the payment. Which one pays this amount you mentioned?

It depends upon what keywords you bid on. I bid on $1 CPC keywords and I bid on $0.01 CPC keywords. Google AdWords had a $0.01 minimum while Yahoo! has a $0.10 minimum.

thanx for ur reply! What I was askin is the name of the site wich ofer the program and the payment. Which one pays this amount you mentioned?

adsense, ypn(us only), chitika, widgetbucks,bidvertiser,adbrite

You will find that PPC bids are all over the board. Bid Prices depend on the particular niche that your site is in.

I can try to give you a guess if you let me know what your site is about.

Hi,all what you need to do get money is to register http://bux.to/?r=davids18 and when you fisnihed registration then login in the site and go to Surf Ads ,then visit this web site links only 30 sec! that’s all!

it is the best ppc what i know and its realy work!

I have heared about a lot of ppc programs and alot of discussion on them about wich is the best and i was wanderin to know and apriximate rate each one pey per klick. I know some of them dont have a fix rate.
Reprort ur excperience here plz.

No one will help you with any money the first think if though the reference made.
You have to work hard.
You had asked the ppc programs appromiation payment. Since I heard there was no suitable Payment had given.
raja baba
because i am software developer.

Thanx For your reply man!

No one will help you with any money the first think if though the reference made.
You have to work hard.
You had asked the ppc programs appromiation payment. Since I heard there was no suitable Payment had given.
raja baba
because i am software developer.

reputated information you had understood. Keep on standing on the market strategied.
plan you work under any platforms regarding pay per click.
ex., look and feel is the more important add i'd found yet.
understand and use it. it may help you for ppc structures regarding the least payment.
try it and reply what you had replied . After one weak you could found some results.
This much way i can help you, study the thought which i had mentioned above carefully
you might have best results and than response or contact me which you had experienced.
raja baba

AdSense is the most consistent and profitable PPC publishing platform.

I have used them all and the others have not been as consistent. Yahoo's YPN pays a higher click rate but gets fewer clicks. Bidvertiser has a steady lower rate - but does not get the occasional really high clicks AdSense can give.

The trick to any of these publishing systems is good specific content on each page that is geared to the right ads.... Google has more advertisers and thus will offer more ads that could be right for your audience.

I would use AdSense and then look for a media company like TribalFusion that gives you banners and can be run on the same page as AdSense....

Google will not allow you to run other PPC programs on pages that contain their ads - they can take all your earned income if they see it.

AdSense is the most consistent and profitable PPC publishing platform.

I have used them all and the others have not been as consistent. Yahoo's YPN pays a higher click rate but gets fewer clicks. Bidvertiser has a steady lower rate - but does not get the occasional really high clicks AdSense can give.

The trick to any of these publishing systems is good specific content on each page that is geared to the right ads.... Google has more advertisers and thus will offer more ads that could be right for your audience.

I would use AdSense and then look for a media company like TribalFusion that gives you banners and can be run on the same page as AdSense....

Google will not allow you to run other PPC programs on pages that contain their ads - they can take all your earned income if they see it.

Thanx for your usefull information mate!

any time.... keep the questions coming

PPC rates vary. That is an honest answer. I found that rates are just a portion of what I actually needed to consider when choosing the most beneficial PPC Management team. Try ppcgeeks.net. I am using their service and I am satisfied. They offer a free consultation as well.

mate you need tracking to determine ROI

Once, I used PPc's but the thing is it's so hard for me to earn a dollar since most of the sites lets you earn only a cent per click.. if you are willing to let an audio advertisement be played on your website, why not go for Pay Per Play?PPP is the freshest in internet advertising. I have already signed up for it and am just waiting for its launch. This is how it works: When a person visits a webpage, they will hear a single 5 second audio ad. Works much like ppc's, but the thing is there will be no click required by the visitors. interesting isn't it? Ad will play when a visitor opens that webpage. In turn, the website owner will get paid for every visitor to his website. the pay was like 25% of the ad's worth,i think. You can copy and then paste this URL for further details about this one <http://tinyurl.com/2l2t8l>.

I heard about one company which pay per call. They give us unique phone to put on site and if someone does a call then they pay for it. Does anyone use this new advertising scheme.

Google has played with it... Astara is an aussie company doing tech for this type of marketing

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