I was wondering whether paid blogging is a good idea? there are a variety of services available like payperpost and smorty? there are mixed views about this, i don't think google likes them either, but if they don't mind text based ads(ie google ads) whats the difference with paid blogging, as long as the links are relevant i think its fine? also, its a great way for bloggers to earn some quick bucks and complement themselves instead of waiting for centuries before the make the same amount via adsense or some other advertiser...maybe im missing somethin...pleas leave your feedback.
??? - [paid blogging is where advertisers pay bloggers something like 5-25 dollars on general to blog about their product,service or site and leave and anchor text link which they prefer, for example if dani wanted me to blog about daniweb on my blog she might want me to leave an anchor link to daniweb.com for the phrase "IT discussion community" in my post"..its all arranged by a paid blogging company like PayPerPost or Smorty, etc.)]