how good are those online degree programs, I've been offered an awesome deal to earn a degree in the field I wanted to study for a long time now. How good are they?Also tell me from where i can got information About it.

Online degrees are as popular and as well noted as in-person degrees. Just make sure the school you choose is accredited, and if they are, check the accreditation.

university of phoenix has been facing some criticism from established universities about their curriculum and class difficulty. if the person interviewing you looks at a phoenix degree and they are from a school like USC or UCLA then they probably not take you seriously. if you are planning on running your own business then you should be good to go. but any degree is always better than no degree

It depends why you are pursing an online degree in the first place. For example, if you need it to get a state or governmental job, then an online degree fits their college criteria. If it is to work in a top financial firm, an online degree may not get you an interview.

Depends on where you would like to study and how kind of those online institutes are...

I think you need to go to Online College Degree forums to search relevant users and you can ask them all kind of these questions.

Online Education is becoming very popular, because it is very flexible.
One of the most popular university who offer distance learning is University of London External, they exist more then 150years and the offer online education since 1980:-) c

Not worth much at all. Employers know the credible schools and online schools just don't rank. Work experience is much more important than just having a degree. Unless that degree is from Harvard or MIT, then that degree is really worth the paper its written on. Otherwise those online schools are really only in business to make money.

They are goo, but i wouldn't trust them....

There are many fake colleges that give worthless diploma after(((

E-Commerce Online Jobs E-Commerce is now Home Based Business. If you know off page and on page optimization, you can do from home itself

E-Commerce is essentially the computer and network enabled transfer of skills and also give us good facility at home base job its amazing way to leaning.

E-commerce nowadays are essential to online users to buy or purchase things they needed most without the hassles of doing it from the store. With it comes to learning, due to the popularity of the internet and it's associated with learning tools such as online encyclopedia, it's much faster to learn online, and you don't have to leave your home to do it.

It is basically credit-granting courses or education training delivered primarily via the Internet to students at remote locations, including their homes.


1 You can study in one of the top colleges in any state of the country or abroad. You don't even have to travel and pay for your boarding.
2 You get an accredited degree from universities recognized worldwide.
3 For those with financial constraints studying online is a good option.

It depends acturally. Some universities and organizations offer great online courses. But, on my own, I prefer to take the courses in classroom with other members coz you can learn more by communicating with others and your tutors.

My suggestion is to stay away from generic schools and try to find a program that will add credit to your resume.

The term online degrees refers to college degrees (sometimes including high school diplomas and non-degree certificate programs) that can be earned primarily or entirely through the use of an Internet-connected computer, rather than attending college in a traditional campus setting. Improvements in technology and the increasing use of the Internet worldwide have led to a proliferation of online colleges that award associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.

I received my Master's online. The degree is the same though. It is moslty just a personal preference. There are many ways to gain further education online. I even notice students begin to communicate with their teacher via twitter and finish their homework with iPad. The Internet creates infinite possibility to make elearning commnucation between teachers and students.

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