cosimclever 0 Newbie Poster

It’s no secret that people are becoming more careful with their money as recession bites, and the online ‘Power Sellers’ who list and sell hundreds or thousands of items through auction sites as a major source of income are no exception. Those Power Sellers are themselves facing pressure to reduce their own selling costs to a minimum in their quest to take advantage of the rising number of online, cost conscious shoppers.

Enter CQout’s new ‘Quick Launch Assistance’ telephone service to help Power Sellers get their bulk listings up and running quickly and simply. CQout may not yet be a household name, but recent appearances on BBC2 ‘Working Lunch’ and Channel Five's 'The Gadget Show' suggest that CQout is a serious alternative to eBay.

“With no listing fees, CQout is a low cost haven for Power Sellers,” explains CQout MD Siamak Bashi. “Anyone can do the sums that show the real ‘fully loaded’ cost of having to pay for each and every listing can be crippling when not every listed item will sell. Our ‘no sale, no fee’ policy for basic listings means that a Power Seller can put their entire inventory up on CQout without having to worry about the cost.”

CQout prides itself on offering Power Sellers a more ‘hands on’ personal touch than they will experience elsewhere. “We care passionately about helping our Sellers because our success is intrinsically based on their success,” says CQout chief Bashi. “Unlike eBay, CQout earns an income only when Sellers makes sales. And that means that our aims and incentives are aligned with those of the Seller right from the outset. So we do everything we can to get a seller off to a great start.”

“When a new Power Seller requests the ‘Quick Launch Assistance’ service, one of our support agents calls back the Seller within 24 hours and helps them through any issues they may have in uploading their inventory to CQout,” explains Bashi, pointing out that Sellers often get frustrated with automated email responses to queries from other auction sites. The CQout solution enables real dialogue with a real person- no fuss, no frustration, and Bashi lists three key points that our staff work through with new Sellers to optimise their experience on CQout:

1. The most important tip for Power Sellers is to have a large inventory up for sale – the more you have listed, the more likely the chance of making a sale. It really is as simple as that!

2. Unlike most auction websites, there are no listing fees on CQout for standard items, so the Seller won’t lose out, even if their items don’t sell in the short term. This is a bonus for Power Sellers as it can significantly reduce their total cost of sales.
3. For Power Sellers in particular, CQout recommend listing ALL items at ALL times. The range of bulk uploading solutions available on CQout helps Power Sellers list large quantities of items as simply, quickly and efficiently as possible. This ensures that the Seller can reach the largest possible audience with the widest range of items, so increasing the likelihood of making sales.

The Quick Launch Assistance service is a great way to get started and can be found at: