If a person visits your website and leaves, chances are that he or she will not come back, especially if there are no compelling reasons to do so. After all, we all behave rather impulsively on the Internet, so much so that we can easily forget where we were 10 web pages ago. But the bottom line is that your visitor may not come back to your website again. If a 1,000 visitors visit your website, leave and never come back again, you can imagine the amount of potential money lost, simply because they do not come back. You could have converted a fraction of those visitors into your customers. Before your visitor leaves your website, you want to convert him or her into your subscriber via a simple opt-in to your mailing list. You do this by asking for your visitor’s name and email address through your opt-in form. And if your visitor signs up to be on your mailing list, you can still follow up with him via email. You can get your subscriber to consider your offer, or endorse another offer to him or her. You guys have a great week. Thanks.


I dont think that you can convert every visitors to your subscriber. As i know till now 10 to 20% results are much better for sell your products or services.

And if you are getting organic traffics then you can increase your selling or number of members in mailing list.

Thanks :)

There are two issues to consider here:
1. Conversion Rate
2. Call To Action

In regards to Conversion Rate, one has to consider the average in general is usually 2-3%. There are ways to optimize these numbers by:
a. improving usability
b. motivating the visitor to dig digger to the site and become more curious on the product
c. invite the visitor to subscribe or sign up for a special deal club

In regards to Call to Action, there has to be one that is visible and enticing.

If a person visits your website and leaves, chances are that he or she will not come back, especially if there are no compelling reasons to do so. After all, we all behave rather impulsively on the Internet, so much so that we can easily forget where we were 10 web pages ago. But the bottom line is that your visitor may not come back to your website again. If a 1,000 visitors visit your website, leave and never come back again, you can imagine the amount of potential money lost, simply because they do not come back. You could have converted a fraction of those visitors into your customers. Before your visitor leaves your website, you want to convert him or her into your subscriber via a simple opt-in to your mailing list. You do this by asking for your visitor’s name and email address through your opt-in form. And if your visitor signs up to be on your mailing list, you can still follow up with him via email. You can get your subscriber to consider your offer, or endorse another offer to him or her. You guys have a great week. Thanks.

What you wrote is true, but I thought everyone on this forum knew that all ready. I'm a bit nieve in thinking that professionals know stuff. You're correct with your information. You can't expect to convert everyone, but you got a darn good chance at a considerable amount of sales, when you can hit them back later. Do that with "Ye golden email address capture technique." They say the money is in the list. You make the list by capturing, using a squeeze page ala autoresponder technique.

The only solution for converting every visitor in to subscriber,
to have quality content in your web site rather than quantity..
and then you can do some marketing strategies...

You could always give away 100 dollar bills to each subscriber to increase your conversion rates. Kidding aside, there are so many factors that go into converting visitors. Reducing your bounce rate, increasing pages per visit, time per visit, analyzing navigational paths, ensuring your content is relevant to your visitors, etc.

You could always give away 100 dollar bills to each subscriber to increase your conversion rates. Kidding aside, there are so many factors that go into converting visitors. Reducing your bounce rate, increasing pages per visit, time per visit, analyzing navigational paths, ensuring your content is relevant to your visitors, etc.

Wow....you scared me...when I first started to read your post and saw that you are telling to give 100 dollar bills to each subscriber....but whatever you said is very true about the content of the page.

What helps increase conversion rate has been every web analyst's question... Even offering $100 may entice registration but may not help lead to other desired actions on the site.

It is not necessary that every visitor will subscribe to your website. Some people gives fake email ID. What if they mark you spam even after subscribing. Actually the success of a website always depend on the number of users. If you talk about the email marketing then you must have a fresh email list to make more and more money.

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