I recently created a theological program by combining new technology (flash, forums, video, audio) to make old information engaging (theological information) to the viewer of the flash program.
I posted it online for free for about 24 hours. A company contacted me right away saying they wanted me to make this product for them (same text, same template, etc..) for them in-house so they could sell it on CD. They asked that I pull my website and work for them, thinking we could sell the CD for about $15.00 per CD.
Question: I know it will take about another 100 hours to customize what I did according to their needs, how do I negotiate?
1) Pay me smaller flat fee for the 100 hours of work with the agreement that I get a percentage of every CD sale
2) Pay me a larger flat fee for the 100 hours of work with no percentage of CD sales
Has anyone been in this position before? Did you negotiate per sale of each CD? I don't want to be unrealistic. If just one flat fee is what I should expect, that's fine, but I don't want to pass up a percentage of sales if that is what is common for this type of negotiation.
Thanks in advance.