i m developing ecommerce site for the first time in asp the problem is that after the shopping cart what should i do
in the time payment how i get payment from user and it credited to my account
i need help geting payment,credit card verification after what r the next step needed in ecommerce website

You need a merchant account of some kind. Worldpay and chronopay are two you may want to checkout.

how i get do it have specific code or i have to contact merchant account provider how

The code to connect to each third party processor and gateway will be different. You'll need to contact each one to find out more about their APIs.

The whole one thing you should do to get payment into your accout, just register with your paypal account with your e mail and credit card account, and the rest thing would paypal self do for you. It's secure and authenticated way to secarely transacting the payment into your accout.
Thanks to all and welcome for any new suggestion.

Hi friend, i would like to suggest ,why don't you go ahead with joomla and magneto kind of content management system, i am one of them who love to integrate virtue-mart in joomala for e-commerce it's really awesome. if you need more advance than i support magento.

You need a merchant account of some kind. Worldpay and chronopay are two you may want to checkout.

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