Growing an online community and/or visitors to your website does require monitoring metrics and optimizing the website to increase engagement and conversion rates. So what recommendations to you have to decrease bounce rates?

Growing an online community and/or visitors to your website does require monitoring metrics and optimizing the website to increase engagement and conversion rates. So what recommendations to you have to decrease bounce rates?

Fresh, compelling content and a call to action that reaches out and grabs the attention would be my first suggestion.

Assuming that the content is compelling, use contextual links to take the visitor deeper into the site.

Assuming that the content is compelling, use contextual links to take the visitor deeper into the site.

Good point on the contextual links. I missed that one.

Content is the king for site. Writing content to focus on customer needs not for search engines.

Good point on the contextual links. I missed that one.

It's an easy way to point readers to another interesting article, rather than having them leave the site.

Thanks for all the good advice. Do you think that A/B or multivariate testing can help find ways to reduce bounce rate?

I read somewhere that if the visitor doesn't change page on your site then the time spent is not counted. So if someone visit your site and only read what is on the landing page and then leave your site then the time spent is not calculated.

commented: Insightful! +2

I read somewhere that if the visitor doesn't change page on your site then the time spent is not counted. So if someone visit your site and only read what is on the landing page and then leave your site then the time spent is not calculated.

That's correct. It's counted as a 'bounce' regardless of how long they stay on the landing page if they don't click to another page.

commented: Good comment! +2

I think that, as with everything else. you can analyze bounce rate to death but it all comes down to, as many others have stated here, compelling, fresh content and a solid call to action.

I totally agree. I also agree that by understanding the bounce rate, it helps you optimize the site for the future.

I totally agree. I also agree that by understanding the bounce rate, it helps you optimize the site for the future.

Good point. I think that some companies view the bounce rate data as bad news rather than information to help with ongoing site updates.

Bounce rate is always a questions or irrelevant visitors, or poor content!

You want to reduce that, u have to work on the content and give more consderation to the user experiences!

As someone who runs a site that gets the majority of its traffic to interioir pages from the search engines, I have discovered that site usability, navigation, and clear calls to action are perhaps just as important as the content itself, when it comes to getting the search engine visitor to continue exploring after they've landed on your page.

As someone who runs a site that gets the majority of its traffic to interioir pages from the search engines, I have discovered that site usability, navigation, and clear calls to action are perhaps just as important as the content itself, when it comes to getting the search engine visitor to continue exploring after they've landed on your page.

Excellent points. I guess that's just assumed, however there probably are some people who don't think about that aspect. Sometimes, I think there's danger in the fact that because we set up/use the site, we don't realize that navigation may not be so easy for newbies or new visitors.

Very true. That is why I also recommend working with a UI or Information Architecture expert to ensure that the site provides an engaging experience as possible.

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