Hi all, I just ran across this site today and have been getting some great info and advice from your posts....
I have been designing web sites for a couple years now. A friend and I are kicking around the idea of starting up a web woodworking site. He's a woodworking guru and I will do the web design. I am wondering how much traffic one needs to generate in order to sell advertising?
Is there a rule of thumb as to what you can charge for banner ads based upon the traffic?
I noticed this board used vBulliten software, does any bbs work better with say phpadsnew, I was also looking at phpbb, or invision board?
any suggestions as to finding out more about how to build a site geared toward ads and what types of ads or revenue methods there are other than just banner ads?
Can you make a living off of ad revenue from a single web site?
Thanks much in advance for any advise.....Lynn