I remember listening to a few business owners sometime ago about using Skype to provide long distance customer service for clients. Though I never used it, I advised against it due to my research on Skype. So if you used Skype for business purposes, I would like to know your insights.
Also, it seems Ebay could not monetize Skype and sold it for less than what Ebay paid for. Seems they were taking business advice from Yahoo.

Trying to monetize something like Skype is the ultimate challenge and act of futility. Why would you try unless you are a glutton for punishment?

I personally never saw the use for Skype but I do remember some business owners who had international clients said they either wanted to use or used Skype to interact with those international clients. With the complaints I have heard about Skype, I would not want to interrupt a business call. That is just me.

I personally never saw the use for Skype but I do remember some business owners who had international clients said they either wanted to use or used Skype to interact with those international clients. With the complaints I have heard about Skype, I would not want to interrupt a business call. That is just me.

With a few exceptions, it is not hard to get a decent connection for an overseas call so I think the business argument for Skype was never there.


I use it all the time, outsource work
manage at least 5 workers on it
hold meetings
do demo's
talk to clients

I find it very useful and have used it almost daily for a couple of years.

I can't understand why ebay didn't integrate it right into the auctions, let people use it for customer service and questions ... but anyway ... ya, monitizing it is another issue, I've done all of the above for about $40 in skype out credits (which I probably still have $12 of)

Thanks SMRTY for sharing that business testimonial. I knew Skype was used for more than just friendly conversations. Overall, Skype is not the only acquisition in which Yahoo could not monetize.


I use it all the time, outsource work
manage at least 5 workers on it
hold meetings
do demo's
talk to clients

I find it very useful and have used it almost daily for a couple of years.

I can't understand why ebay didn't integrate it right into the auctions, let people use it for customer service and questions ... but anyway ... ya, monitizing it is another issue, I've done all of the above for about $40 in skype out credits (which I probably still have $12 of)

Smrty, I think you are one of the exceptions rather than the rule. More power to you as it works for you!

According to Mashable, the founders/creators of Skype are suing eBay for a massive amount over a technology issues. I bet ebay is regretting the whole Skype adventure big time.

What very few people fail to realize when they use Skype is that it is using a small portion of your bandwidth to make Skype well Skype. Each user contributes a small portion of their bandwidth while they're online which can be disastrous if you don't have that much bandwidth to begin with in the first place.

What very few people fail to realize when they use Skype is that it is using a small portion of your bandwidth to make Skype well Skype. Each user contributes a small portion of their bandwidth while they're online which can be disastrous if you don't have that much bandwidth to begin with in the first place.

Excellent point. As a non-user of Skype I was not aware of that but it is something I will keep in mind when talking to my clients who ask. Thanks.

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