On Mashable they are reporting (link below) that Facebook and Nielsen, the market research and tv ratings people, are announcing a jointly produced, business-oriented social media community called Brand Lift. There are few details but it sounds like Facebook is responding to a need while trying to increase their reach. The question I have is will there be an element to this that will be similar to the Linkedin model?

As more details come out I would be interested to know who would use it/recommend it?


It is interesting that Nielsen announce this partnership as their competitor, Comscore, just announced a partnership with Omniture to ensure more metric centric actionable insights for businesses. Thus, this reminds me when Myspace made changes to suit to businesses and where is it now? J

It is interesting that Nielsen announce this partnership as their competitor, Comscore, just announced a partnership with Omniture to ensure more metric centric actionable insights for businesses. Thus, this reminds me when Myspace made changes to suit to businesses and where is it now? J

But as everyone saw what MySpace did and the mistakes they made they hopefully will learn from them and not fall into the same trap.

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