Hi everyone,

I just what everyone on here thought about buying genuine website traffic to direct more traffic to your website. Does this work? And does anyone know any genuine companies that provide genuine traffic for UK websites?

My website is a social networking website.

Many thanks.

Many of these success stories get their traffic from paying others. Yes that’s right; you have to spend money to make money. Advertising is the key. The more people that knows that your site exists; the more people would of course go to your site, that’s common sense.

But, the thing here is what kind of traffic can be called genuine website traffic??

Do you mean Organic Traffic? If you want organic traffic then you need to work on the on-page activities, because search engines can provide you the organic traffic. All the other techniques can't bring you the genuine traffic.

I am not sure the traffic would be targeted if you're going to buy the traffic, better you should optimize your site for UK specific organic search results.

Well, you'd be sure. There is geo-target-marketing offered by google. If you are from the UK, you can even decide which town in UK to show your ads. You also decide which hours of the day to show your ads so i see no reason why the suggestion should not be a "BANG-ON"

I am not sure the traffic would be targeted if you're going to buy the traffic, better you should optimize your site for UK specific organic search results.

Hi there,

I do realise that organic traffic from the search engines is the best form of traffic but i was just considering buying one of the traffic packages available from a few website traffic companies to jump start a social networking website i hope to launch soon. And so therefore i wondered if anyone here knew of any genuine companies that offered genuine website traffic for UK websites?

There appear to be a few companies offering website traffic packages and they promise to send 10,000 people to your website for example.

Many thanks.

Thanx for that Mithu43 I will read both of those before making any decisions. And i will also look into buying cheap traffic from StumbleUpon as well.

Many thanks for your advice.

Try google adword , stumbleupon traffic does not convert at all.

The biggest problem of the buying traffic is thier untargeted!

SO I mean, what's the point of having those untargeted traffic come to your site?

Just to fool your clients or someting?/

It doesn't worth the money!

Thanks ejtt7ciia,

Some traffic companies appear to offer different categories of traffic and from different countries too. But your probably right it can never truly be targetted traffic just general people coming to your website who may have no interest in what you have to offer at all.

Many thanks.

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