I'm a newbie to this forum and I came across this blog which talks about affiliatebusinessandstrategies wordpress viral marketing for affiliates?

question, how does viral marketing work? is this the newest marketing technique/strategy?

In viral marketing the marketer is typically communicating with consumers directly by exposing them to some sort of unique content. Consumers then become the distribution source of the marketers message by sending it consumer to consumer. Costs to initiate viral marketing campaigns vary but, unlike affiliate marketing, they are typically not fixed to actions taken by the consumer.

Viral marketing is word-of-mouth marketing. It generally relies on individuals to pass a message to others-either by creating a buzz or sending emails/video clips to others.

I'm a newbie to this forum and I came across this blog which talks about viral marketing for affiliates?

question, how does viral marketing work? is this the newest marketing technique/strategy?

Can anybody please explain me this Viral marketing thing?How is it useful to us?It seems very interesting.

Can anybody please explain me this Viral marketing thing?How is it useful to us?It seems very interesting.

Viral marketing and viral advertising is very simple thing. It is just creating a brand awareness. It can be done through talking, through social media marketing, and so on.
Now a days most webmaster are using images and videos for viral marketing.


The effective way or advertising or producing brand exposure through social networks. The technique spreads throughout the network rapidly by word of mouth or by Internet resources like e-mail, blogs or other services. Like a virus, it replicates and spreads quickly. The cost of such a campaign is relatively low compared to the high rate of exposure to the target audience.

The effective way or advertising or producing brand exposure through social networks. The technique spreads throughout the network rapidly by word of mouth or by Internet resources like e-mail, blogs or other services. Like a virus, it replicates and spreads quickly. The cost of such a campaign is relatively low compared to the high rate of exposure to the target audience.

So we can say that these days viral marketing is more popular than nomal marketing and we should prefer it over other marketing.

So we can say that these days viral marketing is more popular than nomal marketing and we should prefer it over other marketing.

I wouldn't say it is more popular than traditional marketing methods. It's just another way to get your message across. :)

I wouldn't say it is more popular than traditional marketing methods. It's just another way to get your message across. :)


You are quite right. Normal marketing and Viral marketing must go hand in hand.
Viral Marketing must be cosidered as yet another SEO tool.


Can someone use viral marketing as a means of getting backlinks for a site ?

Hello guys,..what are the examples of viral marketing?

Viral marketing techniques would be creating a video and upload it to YouTube with your URL flashed on the screen. Or else just use viral widgets on your blog/web site to spread the word of mouth.

Assume that you have some crazy offers and you want to promote them. You have written some amazing articles/blogs and shared with ur friends & followers, shared in social media, and finally created a buzz with waiver.

Next, your friends & followers like ur articles very much, they feel interest, share with their friends & followers. They will talk about it with people near by them.

Next, their referrals will share this topic with their friends and take some actions.

This is called SNOW-BALL EFFECT alias viral marketing.

Thinking about it, I would define it as a spin on word-of-mouth
If you compare traditional marketing as a centralized system, where the brand/company spreads the message, in viral marketing, you have all these small systems (people) spreading the message. Sort of like peer-to-peer vs. central

Can someone use viral marketing as a means of getting backlinks for a site ?

Yes, of course. Viral marketing do generate backlinks and traffic as well.
Just all that you need is to use viral marketing on right track.


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