pulse 0 Junior Poster 19 Years Ago Name the ad slogan that you heard once and have never forgotten ever since. :cool: Me -> We are IBM and Business is our Middle Name. :) 0 0 Share gene_xodus 0 Newbie Poster 19 Years Ago I agree make a slogan that suits your bussines goals. not only a slogan that fells you in love but a slogan that attracts others. 0 0 Share WireNine 0 Junior Poster in Training 19 Years Ago > McDonalds, I'm Lovin it! > Taco Bell, think outside the bun. Those are good slogans in my opinion. 0 0 Share Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reply to this topic Be a part of the DaniWeb community We're a friendly, industry-focused community of developers, IT pros, digital marketers, and technology enthusiasts meeting, networking, learning, and sharing knowledge. Sign Up — It's Free!
gene_xodus 0 Newbie Poster 19 Years Ago I agree make a slogan that suits your bussines goals. not only a slogan that fells you in love but a slogan that attracts others. 0 0 Share
WireNine 0 Junior Poster in Training 19 Years Ago > McDonalds, I'm Lovin it! > Taco Bell, think outside the bun. Those are good slogans in my opinion. 0 0 Share