I need a little bit advise from some of the experienced members here at Daniweb.
I am currently engaged in a making a social networking site. Its not a new idea, no new features has been introduced yet. So I was in a confusion that how will I attract people towards my site.
I know there are a lot of social networks already there, also there are giants like facebook, orkut in my country.
So I am clueless with what I am gonna do with my site. So please advise me that if there is any scope in the project.
Can I add some additional features. Please help, i need your advise as there is no other person to guide me.

First try to be concentrate on students section.

As current scene , Student become freaks for online social networking website, so try to participate in education forum or if possible do some offline marketing in school collage.

I think sms marketing will do work too.

basically you need to create a complete marketing plan.

Thanks Arvind for your advise. Marketting is really very important. Also I need some advise about the content of my site. Should I stick to only one type of content or can I have different type of contents on my site.

litlemaster, Creating a social network will require a lot of work. You may want to start by finding a niche to target. Maybe a social network for college students, or one for pet lovers. These are just ideas so that you can START, once you are on your feet, you can obviously modify it and continue to add more things. I recommend you also set up a plan of attack, do not just launch a site without prior planning or thinking. This will only result in you spending a lot of money you will need for the maintenance of the site.

Yes - i agree with Jenny and Arvind. Start small and grow naturally. And always keep in mind that communities are only as good as their users. Keeping them happy and engaged is important for both content creation and the livelihood of the site.

What you need to do here is to be patient as full growth may not be attained overnight. You need to have within your sites more features from which people can actually enjoy and continue on coming back. You know that facebook offers farmville and other cool games to lure their target market. I think you must employ the same tactic too.

Thank u all for supporting my idea, and giving me your valuable advise. I am trying to add some new features as well. Please keep advising.


As we know social networking is done to impress human being so in that content is key. So you have to write impressive contents. Social networking is the use of electronic and Internet tools for the purpose of sharing and discussing information and experiences with other human beings. In that you need to control your reputation. There are many social networking sites which helps you. Just make your strategy in that.


I think you've already been given some great advice here. So the little bit I would add is that you should not go trying to spend a lor of money to promote the site but rather focusing on a niche market creating great content to satisfy that market and wait (yes a very long wait) for word of mouth and the viral nature of your content to help grow your website.

Wish you the best.

litlemaster, Creating a social network will require a lot of work. You may want to start by finding a niche to target. Maybe a social network for college students, or one for pet lovers. These are just ideas so that you can START, once you are on your feet, you can obviously modify it and continue to add more things. I recommend you also set up a plan of attack, do not just launch a site without prior planning or thinking. This will only result in you spending a lot of money you will need for the maintenance of the site.

You have some nice advices here, jennypitts. Glad to hear your advice. I am learning about this also, perhaps to set up my own social network one day.

try to introduce some features like apps, games and different activities on your website. and target youngsters. they are really good in rumoring out. if you could satisfy one student he/she will get you 10 more users.

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