Want To Get On The Front Page Of A Keyword Being Searched 500+ Times a Month Easy
Kinda Important: I turned my website SNIPPED which is a non-commercial satire website into a blog last month. Very first day I launched the blog it had 300+ Uniques from social bookmarking websites. Since, the term SNIPPED is extremely unique and new the front page is filled with crap.
The search term is searched about 500 times a month judging by an Google Analytics report.
MY PROPOSAL: You create an optimized webpage on your blog/ website and link to my website SNIPPED. OF COURSE, I would hope you give an extremely positive review since I'm trying to mutually benefit us both. Even though I dont make any money from my website.
No need to reply or anything just if you want to do this it's an offer.
Thank you and you're welcome.