I haven't been involved with Internet advertising since the mid nineties. I'm a little ignorant on the ad business these days, but I know things have 'evolved' since then. I know most sites, like this one, only get paid if people click on the advertisement.

Is this also true for the biggest sites like Yahoo, CNN, the New York Times, etc? Or do they get paid on a pay-per-view basis for their graphical banner ads?

I'm asking this question because I don't quite see the logic in pay-per-click rather than pay-per-view. I know it's more valuable to an advertiser if the person clicks on the ad and visits the advertiser's site, and as such, should pay more for that.

But it seems to me that a view is also valuable and that an advertiser should still pay for that. If I'm General Motors and people see a graphical advertisement that advertises an Employee Discount For All, and only 2% of the viewers click on the ad, I know the ad is really reaching more than 2% of the web site's visitors. A person, even though he or she didn't click on the ad, may say "oh, cool, a discount on GM cars! I think I'll go visit a dealership and test drive that truck I've been eying."

Are there any pay-per-view programs for graphical ads sill in existence, or are they now extinct? If there are some, are they effective? Are major advertisers part of the network?

If I wanted to offer up advertising space on a direct basis and I stipulated that I wanted a pay-per-view contract, would any advertisers go for it, or would they walk away?

The big web sites such as Yahoo!, MSNBC, etc. are able to charge on a pay-per-view basis becuase they have the traffic to provide value to that model. It works in the same way a billboard on the side of the road or even a tv/radio commercial works in that they can say "We have 1mm users see this page every day, so this ad space is worth $XXXX".

The difference is that the these sites can "prove" how many times an ad is served up through exact tracking down to the user where the traditional media have to base their numbers off of a user group rating (Neilson).

While an average site can provide this same exact user information, the traffic may not be heavy enough to warrant an advertiser to pay for your ad space. If they do, they won't pay as much because they are not getting as many views as the big sites do.

One caveat to that is that if you have a niche site based on a specific subject of interest, for instance, WiFi equipment. You might be able to get a Netgear to pay a little more becuase you are placing their ads directly in front of their target audience (also called a demographic or demo).

Bottom line is the more traffic you have and the more targeted the audience the more you can charge for your ad space.

I agree with the above post. If you have enough traffic, advertiser will be willing to pay for pay per view. :cheesy:

Rus -
like bpk I'm also a bit ignorant to internet advertising so I'd like to pick your brain for a bit.

Specifically you had mentioned that the more targeted your audience, the more you can charge for ad space.

I'm curious if one were to provide specific information about one's audience, such as geographic location, average age, sex, economic status, and spending habits, how much more you can charge for providing very specific demographic information about one's audience? Are you talking about a 10-15% increase in adspace price or something more around the lines of 50-75?


I'm not sure what the % increase would be based on your demo information. I know that the more targeted your ad space, the more it could be worth to an advertiser trying to target that demo. On the other hand the less it would be worth to someone that is not trying to target that demo.

If I were to guess, the information you provided in your post would bring more of a 10-20% increase over just saying "I get 1000 unique visits a day". But if you were to go to Cingular and say "I get 1000 unique visits a day that are all shopping for cell phone service" you could greatly increase your ad space revenue to Cingular, maybe 50% or more.

try google ads we just started for our site bidfreelancers and could see a very very good responce. I will always perfer pay-per-click. as i am not just interested to show ads but i need results so i want them to click on my ad come to my site and check out things and if interested register with is.

I have used many CPC and CPI. And found almost all systems available today cheat peoples. This includes many big Mega portals like g**gle. I even wrote them about this, as i was able to prove that as i used adw0rds as well analyt!cs. These both are products of same company yet they very in their results?

We use Cpanel in which we can tracker all hits and even that showed a totally best way to check out any system. We even tried advertyz.com which said we have send you 283 users on 24/11 where as i got only 60 hits on that perticular page is that possible?

We tried almost few more like adbride etc and could not find any good and real system.

Pay-per-click: You are charged every time someone clicks on your advertisement.

Pay-Per-View : You are charged CPM (cost per mille), or cost per impression. I cannot give you an example because there is no way to know which way the ad is being charged. That information is set by the advertiser when they set up their ad campaign.

great information.

I have used many CPC and CPI. And found almost all systems available today cheat peoples. This includes many big Mega portals like g**gle. I even wrote them about this, as i was able to prove that as i used adw0rds as well analyt!cs. These both are products of same company yet they very in their results?

We use Cpanel in which we can tracker all hits and even that showed a totally best way to check out any system. We even tried advertyz.com which said we have send you 283 users on 24/11 where as i got only 60 hits on that perticular page is that possible?

We tried almost few more like adbride etc and could not find any good and real system.

I have been having good luck with pay per view advertising. Keep in mind the cost can be much less so even if the traffic is not as good it still can be worth it in the end. Also pay per view and pay per click are not mutually exclusive. You can use them both.

Pay Per View is way different from Pay Per Click. But when it comes to revenue wise they both give their clients a satisfactory earnings from a well studied approach on how to profit.

adsense is now too costy for me at least, I paid 400$ on one month for low traffic search terms. I guess Yahoo adds are much cheaper

if you have limited budget you can try PPV.if you lucky enough with small amount of money plus attractive banners you can get huge traffic and leads far more effective then PPC campaign.however it depends on your product and landing page ofcourse.a task you should complete before you purchased PPV service program

talk about performance you can test directcpv and for ppc you can try directads.different from PPC adwords both company works more to personal to personal approach ,something that adwords seems have to learn to

they say CPM are for lazy people. But I like CPM.

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...I think you also have to think about your reputation.

Pay-per-Click got a lot of bad press over the last month. Manly because of fraud done by dubious providers.

Pay-per-View is more accepted these days. A lot of publications (ePapers, eZines, Product Reviews, eBooks) are being sold over the Internet using PpV.

In some cases Pay-per-View advertising can be the most effective and economical way to reach your target audience.

For a website owner, It is better to go with Pay per view :P

i would recommend your ppc campaign from search egine rather any site or any blog.

"BuyRealLikes.com" is the company you have been looking for which only provides real Facebook fans, not bot created accounts which are scripted to click your "like"

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PPC as a business model is largely dominated by Google through its AdWords program. On other hand,PPV is thus often known as pay per impression or PPI. This can be much more cost-effective since viewing an ad is much easier than clicking on one.

A PPC tries to get a visitor to click on an advertisement, while a PPV model wants the visitor to view it.

ppv is good if ads is attractive and appealing.Otherwise ppc is good.

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