Hi all,
Just joined today and this is but my second post. I have a very basic website (non-business, travel related) up and installed phpbb. I have come to the conclusion that I just can't do the modifications myself (as easy as they probably are). I put up my own logo, but that was about it. I was wondering if someone would be able to help/charge me to do some basic modifications, basically to mimic the feel of the home page. I just created some test forums.

Also, I do not need to stick with phpbb (but I do want to stick with something low-cost to free). Anyway, if anyone is interested, send a note and I can give you specifics and the site link.

Also, if you happen to be a web designer I may be interested in hiring someone to re-do the home page to.

Lastly, I am hoping to eventually translate content into a few languages (spanish, russian, thai and japanese to start). What could this site possibly be about... :p

p.s. - If I should have posted somewhere else, please accept my apologies. I know that can be a hassle.

Hi There, I am willing to help you although i do not know how to do modifications on your forum hosting. I can move you forum to invisionfree instead. Or invision if you wish to pay about £30 i think it is. I can do modifications for these. PM me on this site and we can talk about it. And give me the forum address.


InvisionFree only lets you use mods they install. Have you tried EasyMOD?

Hi Dearster,
Thanks for the reply. I haven't been on the forum in a while. I'm not sure if you are still interested, let me know. Again, I really appreciate the offer and apologize for the late response. You can reach me at mrjersh@yahoo.com. Hope you are having a great day/night.

Hi There, I am willing to help you although i do not know how to do modifications on your forum hosting. I can move you forum to invisionfree instead. Or invision if you wish to pay about £30 i think it is. I can do modifications for these. PM me on this site and we can talk about it. And give me the forum address.


All you need to do is have very basic knowledge of html and may need to know abit od SQL if a database is required and follow the instructions word for word, It is also a great experience,

Good Luck.

You should be able to do the mods yourself. They are good practice and are fairly straight forward. If you do go with phpBB, I do not recommend using EasyMods. Later on down the road, it will really make things difficult for you. I currently have a forum with roughly 36 mods installed on it, all by hand. I am no programmer, so anyone should be able to do it.

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