Hi Everyone,
I have an account on face book and I want to use face book for increase my site traffic so I please guide me how can I use face book in effective way so that I can increase my site traffic.

Thanks in advance

Well, first of all is that account personaly yours or it has name of your website?? Because it is much better if it will have website's name, for sure. Then you should create groups devoted to your busines or to service you provide. Also dont forget about fan pages - -do the same. Your main goal is - to attract as many member as possible, and always keep in mind that you have to update its content regulary otherwise your visitors will get bored and leave your group or page. Feed your frens and visitors with fresh and weldone portions of useful info, try to explain, to tell, to show the benefits of your service. Prove them - that you are the best one.

Create a webpage at facebook, invite friends as much as you can and also join Groups. Spread out your profile link with your friends and also add it in your signatures in every mail.

commented: SPAMMER -2

thanks for the help guys
i had the same question and was confused about this... can anyone please include something about twitter as well?

Well, Twitter is lil diff. Twitter - it's a oneway communicative channel. So, you should get as many followers as possible. The only good methods to reach it - to follow other ppl. Then you satrt twitting - spread info. You should makeit interesting, it shouldnt look like spam - the bold links or the same Twitts again and again. But in general, just keep Twitting & follow other, visit their websites, otherwise how you can expect they will visit yours if you dont pay any attantion to their links??
Best of luck!

Thanks everyone for your valuable suggestions!
Please suggest me some good social networking site except twitter, stumble-upon and face book that can be effective to generate site traffic.

hmmm...have you heard about Myspace and Linkedin?? It might help you as well :)

Take care!

Share your profile page with as many related friends and group you can also promote by email or social site like twitter and many more site

Our experience is that we take our current customer list and add them on our Facebook account. Once they have liked our page, we send them a complimentary discount to our products. That builds a lot of goodwill and they tell their friends about us (hopefully). Our like page now has more than 1,500 friends, out of an initial 300-400 customers. And our site visitors have doubled! Thanks to Facebook.

Hope this helps!

Your goal with Facebook is that Facebook will drive consistent traffic to your site, thus, you need to constantly engage with your friends and Facebook fans by contributing relevant content that has a high share value.

IF you have specific product or company then start fanpage for your product. It will provide you more traffic.

IF you have specific product or company then start fanpage for your product. It will provide you more traffic.

Thanks for suggestions!
I want to know that how can I start fan page for my products for getting huge traffic.

IF you have specific product or company then start fanpage for your product. It will provide you more traffic.

Thanks for your suggestions!
Please tell me how can I start fan page on face book so that I can generate traffic for my site.

Hi moderator,
I have posted same post 2 from times mistake and due to net problem I can't delete one of them so Please delete my 1 post from here.


Send your profile as many user

One tip would be... don't spam. Don’t even think about spam­ming the facebook feed wall.

You can create the page using following link:-


Thanks james for providing link!
Now I am going to use it and I hope the fan page will be useful to get traffic from face book to my site.

Face book is the best platform from where we can drive the traffic to our site! The efficient way to use fave book is to make groups and then add friends!

Create a fan page or a profile for your product and add details with a marketing whirl. Also Facebook advertisements to name some of what you can do.

Facebook is purely a social networking instrument.Therefore, if you must promote business with Facebook, you need to be careful how you do it so that you don’t irritate the original users.

you update daily in facebook and contact and add as many friends as you can then you can get traffic easily

Facebook PPC campaign!
keep monitor for the coupons releasing out to claim your $50 / $100 free credit! ;)

Create a new account in face book make a new friends.Update your status every day. and also use links for web promotion . and use the facebook application.


Facebook is much better because you can post your articles or blogs on it. Just add up the link. You can disseminate these information by creating your own business page in Facebook. In Twitter, you can post the info and the link but not the whole write ups.Hope it can help you.

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