I received an email from one of my friends in reply to my Facebook mail telling them that I am deleting my account. What was so interesting was that, they too want to delete their facebook account, but the site has become so complex that they have no clue how.
I am sure my friend isn't the only one who may feel this way, so I have decided to write a very easy to understand news story so you too can get rid of your Facebook page.
Log-in to your Facebook profile, and then look at the upper right top corner of the screen where it says Account. Click the words account and now you have a long drop down list. click the words account settings. Great, you are almost rid of your Facebook account! You will see a long list of tabs, settings,networks, notifications,etc. By default you should automatically be in the settings tab, if you are the words settings will have a blue highlighted background. That is where you need to be, so if you are already there, good! Don't let all of the choices on this page bewilder you just look to the very bottom where it says deactivate account and click those words. Now it will try to guilt trip you into staying with Facebook by saying your friends will miss you, don't fall for it. Most people don't even know most of their Facebook friends. Now Facebook wants you to tell them why you are leaving, this is required if you want to delete your account. Once you've told them why you are divorcing them, check the box where it says Opt out of receiving future emails from Facebook. If you do this, this doesn't stop your friends from tagging you in pictures, asking you to join groups, etc, you just won't receive emails about it.
Now to finish divorcing facebook hit the big blue button at the very bottom that says Deactivate my account. It will now ask for you to confirm your password before you can get rid of it. Once you have typed in your password, hit confirm. Now you have to type in two words from a captcha, also known as ink-blot words. Once you type in the words your account has been deactivated and you may re-activate it at anytime.
I would advise not to reactivate it, but that's up to you. You probably feel that if you delete your account, you won't have a social network. Well, there are plenty of social networks on the web, but most of them are Facebook or Myspace copies and don't have much respect for privacy. That should change soon. I hope that this has helped your divorce with Facebook go much easier than you thought it would have.